My Question Is.....

I have a question (this is a test). I"m demonstrating the app for a client.


  • The answer is....
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • mark,
  • no!
  • Ok - this is a real question. I'm sitting with my client and she really likes Vanilla, but she wants to know if it's possible to set the community up where users can post without registering?

    I know I can probably find the answer to this if I explore a little more, but she's here with me, so I thought it would be quicker to ask.

  • nonmembers can be allowed to browse contents, but not post without being registered.
  • Thanks dfareed. I was hoping that wasn't the answer. She doesn't want people to register.

    But I'm still going to work on getting her to use Vanilla!
  • dfareeddfareed New
    edited July 2005
    she should expect to get a lot of spam on the board, i figure
  • belinda, be sure you look over the licensing and make sure your client is aware of it (GPL)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2005
    belinda - vanilla was written with anti-spam and security in mind. An open board like that would get pulverized with crap from every kind of internet moron there is: advertisers, bots, script kiddies, etc. I could have made it possible like wordpress does - where all comments are approved before they appear, but that just wasn't the type of application I was trying to build. Sorry :( That being said, you could write an extension that just replaces the discussion / comment managers and changes the queries so that it doesn't matter if the user is registered. But that is a hell of a lot of work.
  • Thanks all for the comments and info, I'll pass it the way Mark - you kickass! I love BOTH apps!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks belinda :)
  • edited January 2006
    Just a related question, i have set some categories on my forum to not allow banned and douchbag users participation, and this affects forum view available to unregistered users, why ?!? and by the way i also congratulate you Mark for this excellent forum system.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's a bug in the old system. It's fixed in the beta of 0.9.3.
  • Even though i didn t grasp the relationship between these elements, it gave me the result i wanted, that is i don't want unregistered users to access all categories .. Will it still be possible if i upgrade ?
  • Yeah. Category/role control in 0.9.3 is even better than in 0.9.2
  • Okay. Where can I find this beta release ?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
This discussion has been closed.