Some odd behaviour after I move or delete posts from threads. [RESOLVED]

1) I split some comments out of a thread. The original thread is still active, and people can post. The posts go into the DB, but are not displayed on the thread (although the Recent Discussions page shows the latest poster correctly, they aren't actually showing on the thread.)
2) I deleted some comments from a thread. The thread still shows in recent discussions, but only the OP is visible, even though the other posts are in the DB
3) I've sunk some threads, but they keep coming on to Recent Discussions page when they are added to.
I've optimized and repaired the DB.
I've run Utility Update and Update counts.
forum/dashboard/utility/structure returns a white page and doesn't seem to do anything.
Anyone had anything like this before? Got any suggestions?
Ive updated to the 2.1.12 security version, but this was happening before.
it shouldn't have dashboard in utility/structure. - a "white" page is odd without option to scan.
can you turn on debugging and make sure you are logged in as admin when you run /utility/structure.
although the Update should take care of structure changes if it runs successfully.
also do you have any plugins that affect discussions that might interfere,
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks @peregrine
Wasn't admin.
As admin it was successful, but the issues remain.
in a discussion that you have "sunk". Determine the discussion ID and then look in the Discussion Table and see if it has a "1" in the Sink column and report back.
what plugins do you have enabled?
if a discussion is sunk - the last comment date of discussion should not be updated (and that controls position in the recent discussions).
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
not sure what you mean.
e.g. A discussion has 5 comments you deleted the last two comments and it shows what?
or in A discussion has 5 comments you deleted comments 2 and 3 but 4 and 5 don't show up.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
In one thread, I deleted all comments prior to October.
The OP shows, but none of the October posts, even though they are sitting in the Gdn_Comment table.
Users can post on the thread, and the comment shows, but on reloading the thread, the comment does not show, only the OP.
Sorry, I can't visualize. I don't know if you are talking on the discussion page or within the individual discussion. I'm slow, I need screenshots.
At the same time - does the comment in the comment table reflect the proper discussion id in the discussionid column.
and in the discussion table for the specific discussion row does the last comment id column reflect the comment you think it should or is it the same as the first comment id or a NULL.
not sure if you are seeing some bizarre caching issue or if database is not updated correctly.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks for trying to help.
I'll have a look in the morning and see what I can see, and post some screen shots.
So it must have been some odd caching thing that I don't get, as this morning the threads had returned to normal behaviour, with none of the issues.