Need to make post sticky

I need to make some selected posts stick. I realise that when admin tag a post as announcement, it sticks to top of other posts automatically in category and or recent discusion view. But i'm looking at a situation where the admin can select any post at random and make it stick to top below announced post. Please Anyone know how i can achieve this?


  • The only "sticky option" is to announce a discussion. But an admin can announce any discussion from the discussions option menu.

  • ok thanks for the response. Maybe i'll need a custom developer then. Can you recommend anyone on this platform?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited October 2015

    But i'm looking at a situation where the admin can select any post at random and make it stick to top below announced post.

    • download the bump plugin (the ONLY one you can find in the add-ons).
    • install the bump add-on
    • tell the admin to select a post at random (not really random if the admin is selecting) and make it an announcement
    • then tell the admin to bump the other announcements to rise to the top.
    • this will result in the random announcement (sticky) to be below the other announcements.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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