Why can't I change "confirm email prompt" notification that appears immediately after registration?

ProsperProsper ✭✭
edited October 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Why can't I change "confirm email prompt" notification that appears immediately after registration?
I understand that I have to change it on /config/locale.php as below;
$Definition['You need to confirm your email address. Click <a href="/entry/emailconfirmrequest">here</a> to resend the confirmation email.'] = 'Any statement I want here.';
I have changed it as written above but notification remains the same as before.
Am I doing something wrong here?

Best Answer


  • Thanks @peregrine

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited October 2015

    btw - see this code

       if ($ConfirmEmail && !$Confirmed) {
                    $Message = formatString(t('You need to confirm your email address.', 'You need to confirm your email address. Click <a href="{/entry/emailconfirmrequest,url}">here</a> to resend the confirmation email.'));
                    $Sender->informMessage($Message, '');

    if it has a t or a T look for the info BEFORE the comma only.


    You need to confirm your email address.', 'You need to confirm your email address. Click <a href="{/entry/emailconfirmrequest,url}">here</a> to resend the confirmation email.'))

    so ONLY 'You need to confirm your email address'
    in the left part of definition.

    $Definition['You need to confirm your email address.'] =

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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