How to give 'Add Category' permission to a role

Hi I'm new to Vanilla Forum. It seems you can't give certain role a permission to 'Add Category'. Am I missing something? How can I give the 'Add Category' permission to a role? Any suggestions?


  • You cannot do that. You would have to write a plugin for that.

    The categories of your forum make up its structure, its skeleton, its character. I do not think it is a wise idea to allow this to anyone else than the admin.
    Just imagine you have a forum about super heroes with Batman, Wolverine and other cool characters as category names and one freaky board member thinks it is a good place to create a "Justin Biber" category! O.o

    You can create a category for moderators where you can set up a "Category Suggestions" discussions, but the admin would have to add the category and no one else can.

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