what *Preview* does this site use?

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My preview thingie on my site, shows up a big washed out 'PREVIEW' when I hit preview. But the most annoying thing is that preview doesn't show any image that I try to post.

Mark's preview function in this forum successfully previews images.

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  • It works OK for me, but you have to also have the HTML formatter installed and selected at the bottom.
  • thanks wallphone - i must check today and see if I have the above extensions installed. Thanks for the advice.
  • so who can help? how make Preview like that site use
  • This is from 4 years ago...
  • so what?! engine of vanillaforums.org - 2.0 ?!
    i don't want clone postы, i ask there
    if you have answer - tell!!!
    I do not need your spam
  • Spam? Let's see... 4 years ago Vanilla 2 was probably only an idea in Mark's head so the question that the original poster had has absolutely nothing to do with the current version of Vanilla. This feature is now built-in to Vanilla 2 making this thread obsolete and your question irrelevant.
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