2.2 Upgrade / Embedded Forum Login Issues
Wow. So, I followed @peregrine's excellent upgrade tutorial. Thanks for that. Everything seemed to flow smoothly and updates were successful the first time around. However, now there are some serious forum login issues.
I upgraded my PHP to 5.6, as suggested. I'm of course using Vanilla 2.2.
My forum is embedded with Wordpress, using the Vanilla Forum plugin. After upgrading, when I try to access the Vanilla dashboard, I can't login at all. I can login to the Wordpress side of things. When I try to login to the Vanilla dashboard, it sends me here http://www.nerdlouisville.org/forum/sso?target=/dashboard/settings/plugins and then just hangs and then sends me back to the Wordpress login page.
Here's the debug on my main page: Debug Trace Info SSO String: eyJ1bmlxdWVpZCI6MywibmFtZSI6Ik1pa2UgUGZhZmYiLCJlbWFpbCI6Im1pY2hhZWwucC5wZmFmZkBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJwaG90b3VybCI6IiIsIndwX25vbmNlIjoiOTM0ZDI3NmRiZSIsInJvbGVzIjoiYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcixiYnBfa2V5bWFzdGVyLEtleW1hc3RlciIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6Im5lcmQtbG91aXN2aWxsZSJ9 Info RAW SSO Data: array ( 'uniqueid' => 3, 'name' => 'Mike Pfaff', 'email' => '**********@gmail.com', 'photourl' => '', 'wp_nonce' => '934d276dbe', 'roles' => 'administrator,bbp_keymaster,Keymaster', 'client_id' => 'nerd-louisville', ) Info SSO User: array ( 'Name' => 'Mike Pfaff', 'Email' => '*********@gmail.com', 'Photo' => '', 'Roles' => 'administrator,bbp_keymaster,Keymaster', 'wp_nonce' => '934d276dbe', ) Info UserModel->Connect() Info Not setting photo. Info Debug: array ( 'Name' => 'Mike Pfaff', 'Email' => '************@gmail.com', 'wp_nonce' => '934d276dbe', 'UserID' => 3, ) Info FormattedMessage: Session started for Mike Pfaff. Info context: array ( 'event' => 'session_start', 'userid' => 3, 'username' => 'Mike Pfaff', 'ip' => '', 'timestamp' => 1447700258, 'method' => 'GET', 'domain' => 'http://www.nerdlouisville.org/forum', 'path' => '', ) Notice unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/louisvm5/public_html/forum/applications/yaga/settings/class.hooks.php line 493 Notice in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /home/louisvm5/public_html/forum/applications/yaga/settings/class.hooks.php line 494 Notice AssetModel::CssPath() with direct paths is deprecated. in /home/louisvm5/public_html/forum/library/core/functions.general.php line 911
And, when I try to login to dashboard I do not get an error because it just redirects me back to Wordpress login. I've tried deactivating the Vanilla Forum Wordpress plugin, but that just means it doesn't load the forum.
I have no idea where to begin. I don't even know how to disable the redirect from /forum/ to the embedded /discussions/ page.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
in what folder is your vanilla forum located?
and post your .htaccess IF you are using apache.
if you are using nginx or something lese you need to post.
what os are you using?
post your config.php (remove sensitive info like salts, passwords, email).
you might want to have a moderator remove your email in previous post.
I would avoid embedding, it is not a robust solution.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Actual directory with files is nerdlouisville.org/forum/ which is redirected to embed /discussion/.
Yeah, I've come to realize that embedding is a bad idea. Worse, using the Single-Signon has caused some issues too.
Let's say I go with a fresh install of 2.2 in a new folder. Can I point it to my old database and use the posts / users from it?
When I'm logged out, the forum seems to load correctly. But, with this:
AssetModel::CssPath() with direct paths is deprecated. in /home/louisvm5/public_html/forum/library/core/functions.general.php line 911
Edited to add: Actually, when I click on a discussion it's just a blank white page.
Some more information. When I tried to go to the dashboard/settings/ page:
your .htaccess is wrong. see the FAQ.
are you using apache?
notice what is wrong.
also please reread my instructions in Fool Proof.
I can't help you with sso issues or wordpress stuff. someone else might.
this is due to a plugin or an app.
it is just a notice and will go away when you stop debugging.
see my comments here if you want to fix.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks @peregrine. Yes. Apache 2.4. I fixed the .htaccess, but nothing seems to have changed. So I think the primary issue is the jsconnect / signon integration.
did you try the sso now that .htaccess is fixed without debugging turned on?
you could possible look at js for errors. or get a sso expert to help you.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yup. Not working. Is it possible to do a fresh install of Vanilla and import my database without an embed/sso?
This may be related. When I click on a discussion, gives me this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in /home/louisvm5/public_html/forum/library/vendors/simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php on line 988
or you could use your existing one and change registration method in config.php
disable embedding
make backup of config.php first.
probably just need to change these or temporarily remove.
$Configuration['Garden']['Embed']['Allow'] = true;
$Configuration['Garden']['Embed']['RemoteUrl'] = 'http://www.nerdlouisville.org/discussion/';
$Configuration['Garden']['Embed']['ForceDashboard'] = false;
$Configuration['Garden']['Embed']['ForceForum'] = '1';
change this to Basic temporarily until you get captcha setup.
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['Method'] = 'Connect';
delete your ini files in cache.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.