How To Remove "edited ...." in Comment head

I've installed the edit plugin that displays the "edit" time of the post. I would like to remove it from the top of the comment.



  • The "edited" is part of Vanilla and always appears if a comment has been edited. It is a side effect of using the LastEdited plugin, not a part of it:

    When looking at the source code, you can see which definition you have to add to your locale file to change it:

    if (!function_exists('dateUpdated')) {
        function dateUpdated($Row, $Wrap = null) {
                $Result = ' <span title="'.htmlspecialchars($Title).'" class="DateUpdated">'.
                    sprintf(T('edited %s'), Gdn_Format::Date($DateUpdated)).
                    '</span> ';

    Create /conf/locale.php and add

    $Definition['edited %s'] = '';

    (if the file already exists, you can skip the first line)

  • Thanks @R_J =)

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