Post Comment not working [RESOLVED]

edited December 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Since upgrading to 2.2, I have been having problems with adding comments to discussions. The return code from the ajax post request is being returned as '200' OK, but with an error status. That usually indicates an error in the json. When I switch the request type to 'html', the ajax post request returns successfully, but the comment never posts.

I can edit an existing posted comment, post and edit discussions.

I've been running a debugger against the php code on the backend, but I can't seem to see where adding comments is failing.

Anyone else know what's going on with this?

(Also seeing livequery errors but I'm not certain that's related.)


Deb V



  • Please disregard. We've ruled out the Vanilla 2.2 release from being the cause of the problem. We installed a bare bones test installation and comments work correctly. Seems to be a web server configuration issue on our end.

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