Facebook OAuth problem - UniqueID is still required
We are a secret Facebook group with nearly 50 000 members, half of them active and we are moving from Facebook to site-based community. We would like to have a smooth transition for members, and so the Facebook integration and authentication plays big role in our forum. There is only one problem - it does not work. I have searched for help, but somehow I haven't figured out how to connect FB to our forum. We have created a Facebook app, checked its configuration at least ten times, given right app secrets and so, but somehow after authorizing a Facebook account it still complains about UniqueID and tells to give email address and username. When I made an account here to ask for help Facebook auth played well so I know it is possible to have FB authentication. Could someone help with this one? I don't want to write the FB OAuth code for myself, it requires lots of testing and time (and I'm in a kind of hurry and haven't written PHP for ages).
Steps done:
- Downloaded the forum software from official Vanillaforums download page
- Configured forum here and there
- Created a Facebook website app (following these (official?) instructions)
- Tried to log in via FB to see that it doesn't work
- Wandered around trying to find a fix or at least a bug (during it I have changed many lines in code, and now the FB plugin file is fresh one from GitHub master branch)
- Writing this report about the situation.
Just wondering how it's implemented here, as I previously said it works fine and I even created my account via FB auth to ask for help here.
Go to your app on facebook (the Url should be something like developers.facebook.com/apps/yourappnumber/dashboard). Is there a green light next to your app and does it say This app is public and available to all users?
It has been green and saying that for 3-4 days, I have checked it at least five times... Just now I'm going to make new fresh forum and app for testing only the Facebook auth. The FB app we're using now was not made by me, so I can't say if everything was right in creation. There could be something blocking things.
I still can't get anything working. I made a test server and app for testing purposes, but installing forum via official files (via Download page) didn't solve the problem. The vanilla GitHub repo (tested via compiling with Phing and with simply putting master branch to test server) didn't even install for me, perhaps there are some bad files?
I hope I could get copy of this forums' plugin file or filesystem (or version used in build time, so I could pull the same repo).
Could someone confirm this? (I would like a person who has experience with FB auth and got it working, but anyone goes.) It requires only FB account and 15 minutes. For test server you can get free webhotel in Hostinger, and FB developer panel is here. Also if you don't have the newest server .zip you can download it in top of this page. (If you use Hostinger you can simply click the "Import Website" and select .zip, it will upload the files for you.)