@Shadowdare dijo:
For approving comments, are you referring to only guest comments or also user comments?
It could be done for the two cases or only for unregistered users.
Would be nice to have the option to send email when someone made a comment on article.
Another good option:
When you is creating article to have the option to indicate whether or not an article comentable. Because you may not want to have comments on all articles. This last feature is not hard to do and I think I could do.
I'll look into better guest comments moderation. Also, for the next Articles release, everything has been rewritten anew based on Vanilla discussions. Accordingly, users will be able to bookmark articles like they could with discussions and set notification preferences on categories in the same way to receive email notifications.
Currently, you can 'close' and 'reopen' an article in order to enable or disable comments on them. If you would like an option to toggle the closed state of the article from the compose form itself, that can be done easily.
@Shadowdare dijo:
I'll look into better guest comments moderation. Also, for the next Articles release, everything has been rewritten anew based on Vanilla discussions. Accordingly, users will be able to bookmark articles like they could with discussions and set notification preferences on categories in the same way to receive email notifications.
It's a great news !
Currently, you can 'close' and 'reopen' an article in order to enable or disable comments on them. If you would like an option to toggle the closed state of the article from the compose form itself, that can be done easily.
Yes, you can control all comments currently, but "close" and "open" comments will applying for all articles.
You understood me well. You can control comments option for the particular article on the form when you create or edit article. And keep this flag on the article database table.
I think this option will gives more flexible possibilities.
For approving comments, are you referring to only guest comments or also user comments?
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
It could be done for the two cases or only for unregistered users.
Would be nice to have the option to send email when someone made a comment on article.
Another good option:
When you is creating article to have the option to indicate whether or not an article comentable. Because you may not want to have comments on all articles. This last feature is not hard to do and I think I could do.
I'll look into better guest comments moderation. Also, for the next Articles release, everything has been rewritten anew based on Vanilla discussions. Accordingly, users will be able to bookmark articles like they could with discussions and set notification preferences on categories in the same way to receive email notifications.
Currently, you can 'close' and 'reopen' an article in order to enable or disable comments on them. If you would like an option to toggle the closed state of the article from the compose form itself, that can be done easily.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
It's a great news !
Yes, you can control all comments currently, but "close" and "open" comments will applying for all articles.
You understood me well. You can control comments option for the particular article on the form when you create or edit article. And keep this flag on the article database table.
I think this option will gives more flexible possibilities.