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MacBook - can it run 64bit version of Windows on Bootcamp?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited 2006 02 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Answers on a postcard please


  • I'm not even 100% sure the Core Duo can run 64 bit windows.
  • edited 2006 02
    I think he's really asking if bootcamp has a 64bit emulation engine. I doubt it though. The core duo is certainly only a 32bit processor though.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    I'm asking on behalf of someone else so apologies if this doesn't make sense.... so the answer is probably not then?
  • edited 2006 02
    3stripe, the Intel Core Duo is a 32bit chip. Bootcamp doesn't emulate anything, it just installs a boot manager, much like the way you would dual-boot Windows with Linux. So the answer is definitely not, I'm 100% sure.

    You probably wouldn't want to run 64bit Windows anyways, I've heard it's buggy (*cough*). Stick with OSX ;)
  • It's beyond buggy.

    If you want 64bit then wait for Vista. Then again, the Beta version of that have been buggier than the 32.....

  • edited 2006 02
    Evdawg: Maybe not
  • Bergamot: OMG!

    I'm gonna pop in the 64bit edition of the Ubuntu live-cd and see if that's true. If it is, I'll be pretty happy :)
  • 64Bit OS needs a 64Bit processor..I would think. So until they upgrade to Core Duo 2, it would not be feasible.
  • I dont get why they'd release a 64bit processor as 32bit? I'd definitely have gone for a core duo laptop when i was buying mine if i'd have known.
  • I bought a Core Duo lappy, 1.66 GHz and it is awesome. Not a mac, but a Vaio, but much faster than my 1.8Ghz Centrino. I reckon the extra 'sparkly 3D' features of Vista will make any hardware performance increases redundant lol.
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