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Plugin Tagging : Icon title and put a background

edited January 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Theme : Bootstrap.
Forum test:
Bug : Plugin Tagging

Hi all,

I would like to have the title "Nuage de mots clés" as "Toutes catégories": put an orange background and have an icon

Thanks for your help


PS : I'm a spam controller to my compte... please, thank you to remove it because I'm not a spammer



  • Find this line bellow in the class.tagmodule.php around line 215

    Add h4 tags like I did below

     <div class="Box Tags">
               <h4> <?php echo panelHeading(t($this->ParentID > 0 ? 'Tagged' : 'Popular Tags')); ?></h4>

    Then add the definition to your language locale

    $Definition['Popular Tags']="Nuage de mots clés";

    If you are going to use an orange background on all the titles for the panel boxes I suggest you use css to make them all the same instead of writing a new rule for each one.


    You can add icons once you get the rest of it together. That will take modifications to the plugins.

  • By changing h4, it changes all the titles that are h4

    On some pages, this is not good.

    Can we put a class and assign to this class changes colors bacground?

  • in the class.tagmodule.php around line 215
    <h4> <?php echo panelHeading(t($this->ParentID > 0 ? 'Tagged' : 'Popular Tags')); ?></h4>

    And in csseditor :

    /* Modification Nuage de mots clés */
    #Panel .Box h4{

    it still does not work

  • I do not see that code in the inspector. It should work. Make sure you added it in the right file.

  • edited January 2016

    I have added the code


    h4> in the file class.tag module.php
    <h4> <?php echo panelHeading(t($this->ParentID > 0 ? 'Tagged' : 'Popular Tags')); ?></h4>

    You are on my forum administrator. you will see that the following information is online 48

    /* Modification Nuage de mots clés */
    #Panel .Box h4{
  • Hello,

    Sorry, it was me who was testing with Sitemaps ...

    I removed the h4 in class.tagmodule.php File Tagging plugin

  • Yea that was weird, all of a sudden I was in github but the theme was the same... lol

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