Unable to enable CSSEdit "The plugin folder was not properly defined."

Vanilla 2.1
PHP 5.5
Scenario is as follows:
sudo wget https://github.com/bleistivt/CSSedit/archive/master.zip
sudo unzip master.zip
sudo mv CSSedit-master/ CSSedit/
Went to my dashboard>plugins and I see an unlabeled plugin at the top of my list. Mousing over the enable button I see that it is indeed CSSedit :
When I click enable I get the following error:
"The plugin folder was not properly defined."
I tried following the previous advise from Bleistivt whereby line 3 of the class.x.x.php file has to have the name adjusted, but the name there (and through out that file) match.
Any help would be great!
This discussion has been closed.
This can be ignored.
Question is now active in for the Addon - https://vanillaforums.org/discussion/31628/unable-to-enable-cssedit-the-plugin-folder-was-not-properly-defined?new=1