Unable to enable CSSEdit "The plugin folder was not properly defined."

bhill681bhill681 New
edited February 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Vanilla 2.1
PHP 5.5

Scenario is as follows:

sudo wget https://github.com/bleistivt/CSSedit/archive/master.zip

sudo unzip master.zip

sudo mv CSSedit-master/ CSSedit/

Went to my dashboard>plugins and I see an unlabeled plugin at the top of my list. Mousing over the enable button I see that it is indeed CSSedit :

When I click enable I get the following error:

"The plugin folder was not properly defined."

I tried following the previous advise from Bleistivt whereby line 3 of the class.x.x.php file has to have the name adjusted, but the name there (and through out that file) match.

Any help would be great!

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