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Where is the file exported?

After I fill in the form I cannot find the file that is exported. I am trying to export a vanilla 2.2 file, Im using a Mac.


  • Exporting generally means to your computer. Look at your settings on the mac in finder to see where downloads are saved generally it is in the downloads folder but it may be anywhere you set it to be to store the downloads. It could be documents , you need to find it.

    Finding things on a mac is easy, you open a finder window and enter the name of the file.

  • I looked around, couldn't find anything. Any idea what the file name would be @vrijvlinder

    Really appreciate your reply.

  • edited February 2016

    Assuming you are exporting the database from mysql , the name of the file is the same name of the database it came from by default unless you named it something else . Look for anything that has an extension SQL if that is how you exported it.

    You don't use Porter to export Vanilla as far as I know it is used to export other forums to Vanilla.

  • @vrijvlinder I was able to get the file uploaded, however I encountered another problem

    "Your database does not contain any import tables."

    Shouldn't Vanilla set this up automatically? Or should I do that manually, if so, how?

    I really appreciate your help! :D

  • @vrijvlinder

    I keep on getting errors from my previous plugins/applications since they are not in the new FTP server yet, what should i do?

  • edited February 2016

    Go to the config.php and put FALSE instead of TRUE where it says Enabled Plugins. The only one you do not disable is htmlawed. Then you need to make sure the htaccess file is correct. Delete from that file the settings of these plugins as well if there are any.

    Delete the .ini files from the cache.

  • I can't seem to find the enabled plugins in the code, here is what I see.
    * Configuration for default Minify application
    * @package Minify

    ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
    ini_set('track_errors', 1);

    define('PATH_ROOT', dirname(FILE).'/../../..');
    if (file_exists(PATH_ROOT.'/conf/bootstrap.before.php')) {
    define('APPLICATION', TRUE);

    * In 'debug' mode, Minify can combine files with no minification and
    * add comments to indicate line #s of the original files.
    * To allow debugging, set this option to true and add "&debug=1" to
    * a URI. E.g. /min/?f=script1.js,script2.js&debug=1
    $min_allowDebugFlag = false;

    * Set to true to log messages to FirePHP (Firefox Firebug addon).
    * Set to false for no error logging (Minify may be slightly faster).
    * @link
    * If you want to use a custom error logger, set this to your logger
    * instance. Your object should have a method log(string $message).
    * @todo cache system does not have error logging yet.
    $min_errorLogger = false;

    * Allow use of the Minify URI Builder app. If you no longer need
    * this, set to false.
    $min_enableBuilder = false;

    * For best performance, specify your temp directory here. Otherwise Minify
    * will have to load extra code to guess. Some examples below:
    //$min_cachePath = 'c:\WINDOWS\Temp';
    //$min_cachePath = '/tmp';
    //$min_cachePath = preg_replace('/^\d+;/', '', session_save_path());
    $PathMin = dirname(FILE);
    $PathMinParts = explode('/', $PathMin);

    if (defined('PATH_CACHE'))
    $min_cachePath = PATH_CACHE.'/Minify';
    $min_cachePath = implode('/', array_slice($PathMinParts, 0, -3)).'/cache/Minify';
    if (defined('PATH_CACHE'))
    $min_cachePath_local = PATH_CACHE.'/Minify';
    $min_cachePath_local = $min_cachePath;

    if (!file_exists(dirname($min_cachePath_local)))
    mkdir(dirname($min_cachePath_local), 0777, TRUE);

    * Leave an empty string to use PHP's $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].
    * On some servers, this value may be misconfigured or missing. If so, set this
    * to your full document root path with no trailing slash.
    * E.g. '/home/accountname/public_html' or 'c:\xampp\htdocs'
    * If /min/ is directly inside your document root, just uncomment the
    * second line. The third line might work on some Apache servers.
    $min_documentRoot = '';
    //$min_documentRoot = substr(FILE, 0, strlen(FILE) - 15);
    //$min_documentRoot = $_SERVER['SUBDOMAIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    * Cache file locking. Set to false if filesystem is NFS. On at least one
    * NFS system flock-ing attempts stalled PHP for 30 seconds!
    $min_cacheFileLocking = true;

    * Combining multiple CSS files can place @import declarations after rules, which
    * is invalid. Minify will attempt to detect when this happens and place a
    * warning comment at the top of the CSS output. To resolve this you can either
    * move the @imports within your CSS files, or enable this option, which will
    * move all @imports to the top of the output. Note that moving @imports could
    * affect CSS values (which is why this option is disabled by default).
    $min_serveOptions['bubbleCssImports'] = true;

    * Maximum age of browser cache in seconds. After this period, the browser
    * will send another conditional GET. Use a longer period for lower traffic
    * but you may want to shorten this before making changes if it's crucial
    * those changes are seen immediately.
    * Note: Despite this setting, if you include a number at the end of the
    * querystring, maxAge will be set to one year. E.g. /min/f=hello.css&123456
    $min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 2592000; // 60secs * 60mins * 24hrs * 30days;

    * If you'd like to restrict the "f" option to files within/below
    * particular directories below DOCUMENT_ROOT, set this here.
    * You will still need to include the directory in the
    * f or b GET parameters.
    * // = shortcut for DOCUMENT_ROOT
    //$min_serveOptions['minApp']['allowDirs'] = array('//js', '//css');

    * Set to true to disable the "f" GET parameter for specifying files.
    * Only the "g" parameter will be considered.
    $min_serveOptions['minApp']['groupsOnly'] = false;

    * Maximum # of files that can be specified in the "f" GET parameter
    $min_serveOptions['minApp']['maxFiles'] = 50;

    * If you minify CSS files stored in symlink-ed directories, the URI rewriting
    * algorithm can fail. To prevent this, provide an array of link paths to
    * target paths, where the link paths are within the document root.
    * Because paths need to be normalized for this to work, use "//" to substitute
    * the doc root in the link paths (the array keys). E.g.:
    * array('//symlink' => '/real/target/path') // unix
    * array('//static' => 'D:\staticStorage') // Windows

    $min_symlinks = array();

    * If you upload files from Windows to a non-Windows server, Windows may report
    * incorrect mtimes for the files. This may cause Minify to keep serving stale
    * cache files when source file changes are made too frequently (e.g. more than
    * once an hour).
    * Immediately after modifying and uploading a file, use the touch command to
    * update the mtime on the server. If the mtime jumps ahead by a number of hours,
    * set this variable to that number. If the mtime moves back, this should not be
    * needed.
    * In the Windows SFTP client WinSCP, there's an option that may fix this
    * issue without changing the variable below. Under login > environment,
    * select the option "Adjust remote timestamp with DST".
    * @link
    $min_uploaderHoursBehind = 0;

    * Path to Minify's lib folder. If you happen to move it, change
    * this accordingly.
    $min_libPath = dirname(FILE) . '/lib';

    // try to disable output_compression (may not have an effect)
    ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0');

  • Post the contents of the config.php with the personal information like passwords and server names and keys edited out.

    You need to delete or disable those plugins before you make an export file. Do not use minify plugin at all. It sucks.

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