German translation

edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello! I started working on a German translation. Shall I send it to you once Iam done so that you can include it to the current release? Iam also willing to support a German version of Vanilla further (a german frontpage etc.)


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes please! support [at] lussumo [dot] com When it comes to the multi-lingual front-page, that would be easy. The hard part is going to be multi-lingual documentation. The docs aren't even finished yet, and I imagine that they'll be changing all the time. I guess I could use some other kind of software to do it (like mediawiki), but I hate most wiki software out there. I was hoping to make my own with multi-lingual features. I don't know if I'll ever have time for that, though. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!
  • Iam at 43% right now because my server isn't working atm and I had to do them all without even installing Vanilla ;) I'll continue to work on this as I already have a user which wants to use a German Vanilla on his website :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks bunches, MrNase :)
  • I was translating, too... and I asked if someone else was translating already. But it doesn't matter now.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Sorry Eric, it's been very confusing keeping track of everything since Vanilla launched.
  • Perhaps when peopl *start* work on the translation we could add it to the wiki with contact details and such so people could share the load?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's a great idea.
  • Also if you're mid translation and you for some reason can't continue, it would be good to post the partially translated file and say it needs more work on the wiki as well.

    Or if you want some help in translating...
  • @Nase and Eric: Let me know if you guys need a third hand?

  • I'm working on a german "DU"-Version right now. I looking for this "Most recent by" - I can't translate it, so in which data can I find it? Hope someone can help me.


    Also ich arbeite gerade an der deutschen "DU"-Version. I suche die Stelle "Most recent by" - I kann sie leider nicht übersetzen, so in welcher Datei kann ich die Stelle finden? Irgendwo im "view" Ordner nehme ich an? Hoffe jemand kann mir helfen.


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