Sink, Float, what's their use ?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have no experience with forums.
So can someone explain the use of Sink, Float ? Or better what does it mean when I Float or Sink a discussion.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There isn't a float option in Vanilla, but sink can be used so that any new comments added to the discussion do NOT cause the discussion to be bumped up in the list - effectively making the discussion "sink" down the list no matter what people add to it.
  • Basically it'll still allow comments to be posted so it's not like a close thread option. Handy for topics that you want people to continue to discuss but don't feel it's worth closing the thread for.
  • And "float" would translate as "unsink"?
  • Well there is no float option.. like Mark says. But I guess its just a Sticky thread. It could be whatever you want since nothing like that exists for Vanilla.
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited August 2006
    it's not a sticky. it's the opposite of a sticky, if anything.

    nevermind, i understand what you mean now :)
  • Myabe nvictor read the discussion that convince lot of us that sticky posts should be called (float|floating|floaty) posts.
  • [quote]There isn't a float option in Vanilla, but sink can be used so that any new comments added to the discussion do NOT cause the discussion to be bumped up in the list - effectively making the discussion "sink" down the list no matter what people add to it.[/quote] oh i see that is pretty neat thanks for informing us i did not know what it was, so i searched it in Lussumo here
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