Want to add custom title for category

I want to add custom text in category title. In the case i am setting category name in dashboard in category title it also shows in sidebar. For example I am adding a category of Income Tax and set category url to
Category Url: http://www.abc.com/categories/income-tax/
it shows well in sidebar category list but when I am changing the title of category Income Tax to Income Tax discussion Forum the same title shows in sidebar as well. I want to set custom seo title for category by modifying any php file (no idea)
for example:
%category% Discussions on %garden% or %category% Discussions forum. I have idea that we can do it by editing conf.php file no idea how to do it.
Title works good at category page source title " Income Tax discussion Forum " but it also effects the sidebar as well.
For more clue I want to set code just like vanillaseo plugin but custom code.