Problems importing old users after migration forum
Hello Everyone,
I made a Vanilla forum migration from an old CMS to Wordpress and I 've some issues with the old Vanilla forum users.
I 've used WP Vanilla Connect in WP 4.4.2 and jsConnect in Vanilla 2.1.6.
This system seems to work well for a new registered user, that, after logged into the site, goes on the forum,
sees his username under the "Howdy, Stranger!..." section, near the Gravatar icon, clicks on it, and he 's also logged in to the forum,
generating a new line in the Vanilla GND_user Table.
(By the way, it would be nice if there was no need to click all the times for a site logged user, any suggestions?).
Instead, if the user clicks on the menu item on the top left "sign in", near the items "Discussions" and "Activity",
the password isn 't recognized and the log in fails. Anyway, as workaround, it 's possible to proceed with the password reset request, and eventually
to set the same password.
Problems arise if I try to add the old forum users and their past activities.
The new forum database already contains data of past activities.
When I add an old user (present in WP users database, but not in GND_user of Vanilla),
with a SQL Query, where I put the ID of the old forum (to restore the history of activities)
and the new password of the site, (both with "Vanilla" and "Random" option.), the login doesn 't work,
the "Sign in" says: Sorry, no account could be found related to the email/username you entered, while
clicking on the username under "Howdy, Stranger!....", nothing happens, and the log in fails.
I wonder how I can import into the Vanilla DB these old users, so that they are recognized in order to recover their past activities?
Have I to remove the voice "Sign in" at the top left? It seems to me a duplicate that creates confusion.
thank you in advance.