Mobile theme in dashboard

I installed Bootstrap 2.5, and it works on desktop, on my mobile it isnt the bootstrap theme it is a totally different theme.

When i click Appearance>Mobile Themes there is no themes to select, and it lists no themes currently selected.

How do i go about setting bootstrap to work on mobile.



  • There is no way to select a mobile theme from the dashboard, would be nice but for now you must add the $Configuration by hand into the config.php

    $Configuration['Garden']['MobileTheme']= 'nameofthemeyouwantformobile';

  • JasonEJasonE New
    edited July 2016

    alright. I am pretty new , is there a thread or a link you can point me towards so i can learn how to do it? Thanks again.

  • @JasonE

    Welcome to the community.

    See here:

    You would simply add the line Vrijvlinder gave you, editing it to show the name of your theme.

  • Just copy that line I posted but with the name of your theme into the config.php inside the conf folder of your installation . It will be the same name as the main theme if you are using Bootstrap theme.

  • alright thanks guys, I am using firezilla, public_html>forum>conf>config.php edited $Configuration['Garden']['MobileTheme'] = 'Bootstrap'; and saved. still no changes, mayb i have to wait a little bit?

  • You can delete the .ini files in the cache. Or use a browser extension that forces a reload of CSS files . You can use our user agent to pick what kind of browsers viewing the website from your desk, it's called user agent switcher and all browsers that I know of have one or you can get the extension for so that you can see what it looks like on your desktop when you're looking at a mobile or some other browser .

  • Okay. Thanks everyone, the user agent extension is really handy thanks a lot for that. I will be using the tool forever now. After deleting the cache .ini files, nothing changed on mobile browser, so I deleted bootstrap cleared cache again, and then re uploaded bootstrap and macosx to themes folder. Made sure $configuration line was in config.php. still mobile is completely different layout and color. here is a screenshot of desktop version and mobile in a window on left part of screen.
    Appreciate your patience with me. This is probably the easiest task lol

  • hey so i just happen to fix it by accident, not sure if this is what did it but, I noticed in config.php that for theme they had bootstrap without a capital b. I had put a capital B for mobiletheme Bootstrap. i changed it to lowercase b and it worked. thanks guys i appreciate it!

  • @JasonE

    Yes, the theme name is case sensitive. The name in the config statement needs to be identical to the theme folder name.

  • @JasonE said:
    hey so i just happen to fix it by accident, not sure if this is what did it but, I noticed in config.php that for theme they had bootstrap without a capital b. I had put a capital B for mobiletheme Bootstrap. i changed it to lowercase b and it worked. thanks guys i appreciate it!

    Yea, when in doubt apply Occam's Razor principle.

    I failed to mention to make sure the name was the same as the main theme if that was what you wanted for a mobile theme.

    user agent extension is really handy thanks a lot for that. I will be using the tool forever now

    Yea it is a great tool, I wrote that comment with my phone , otherwise I would have given you a link to one. Glad you sorted it all out.

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited July 2016

    @whu606 said:

    Yes, the theme name is case sensitive. The name in the config statement needs to be identical to the theme folder name.

    Yes, themes are a bit different, the name of the folder is what gets thrown into the config statement.

    whereas in a plugin, the name in the plugin info is what matters regarding enabling and disabling.

    $PluginInfo['timeago'] = array(

    the item timeago would be added to the config statement for the enabled plugin and not the folder name.

    so for plugins the folder name and the element name of the PluginInfo array needs be the same regarding case sensitivity otherwise you may not be able to disable the plugin from the dashboard, even though the folder name is not what absolutely determines the name in the config statement.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • tzanetzane New
    edited September 2017

    Nevermind my question I figured it out!

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    @tzane If you select bootstrap for both mobile and desktop and then, select theme options from the dashboard, the same option will be applied to mobile.

  • @K17 I did the same thing the op did I had a capital B instead of lowercase that's why it wasn't applying it to the mobile cyborg.

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