doesnt work for other langiages

Hello there,
This works fine only in english but doesnt work for other languages. I though have other language Locale (example german).
Can you please suggest me. I can also solve this problem by overwriting all the definition which you have in en-CA.php in my locale.php but I want something to do in the plugins if possible.
hopping to get answer as soon as possible.


  • R_JR_J Admin

    @vanillawhisky said:
    I can also solve this problem by overwriting all the definition which you have in en-CA.php in my locale.php but I want something to do in the plugins if possible.
    hopping to get answer as soon as possible.

    Translating the definitions in your own locale file is the preferred way. Congratulations, you did it correctly! :-)
    Please don't change anything in the plugins.

    If a plugin has the ability to be translated, you can contribute by offering your locale file to the author. Looking at GitHub shows that there is already a German localization available:

    You could use the version from GitHub if you do not want to keep your own translation.

  • @R_J said:

    @vanillawhisky said:
    I can also solve this problem by overwriting all the definition which you have in en-CA.php in my locale.php but I want something to do in the plugins if possible.
    hopping to get answer as soon as possible.

    Translating the definitions in your own locale file is the preferred way. Congratulations, you did it correctly! :-)
    Please don't change anything in the plugins.

    If a plugin has the ability to be translated, you can contribute by offering your locale file to the author. Looking at GitHub shows that there is already a German localization available:

    You could use the version from GitHub if you do not want to keep your own translation.

    r_J has good advice, if you are using a single language translation.

    But a note if you create your own plugin, and want multiple locales (for example with multi-lingual plugin, or are using a plugin that an author will not update or has abandoned and you want the plugin specific definitions.

    you need to do 3 steps.

    • 1 determine the locale name for the language. this can be determined absolutely from the definitions from the specific locale add-on. If you wanted the Vietnamese locale. you would download it and install.
    look in the definitions.php of the vietnamese locale.
    and you will see.

    $LocaleInfo['vf_vi'] = array (
      'Locale' => 'vi',
      'Name' => 'Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese',
      'EnName' => 'Vietnamese',
      'Description' => 'Official Vietnamese language translations 

    the Locale has the proper name to use. 'Locale' => 'vi', In your plugin folder locale subfolder
    create a file called vi.php


    the vi.php with the proper vietnamese definitions.

    $Definition['TranslateableItem'] = 'the vietnamese translation';
    • 2 enable the locale in the dashboard

    • 3 disable and enable the plugin with the newly added plugin locale (should update the cache).

    • 4 if necessary, delete the ini folders from the cache and ensure you have enabled and resaved the definitions and default locale and re-enable plugin from the dashboard.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Thank you guys for your comments.
    thanks to @River for your points.

    @R_J said:

    If a plugin has the ability to be translated, you can contribute by offering your locale file to the author. Looking at GitHub shows that there is already a German localization available:

    You could use the version from GitHub if you do not want to keep your own translation.

    I see in github english, german and swedish translated file but if you see in vanilla addons and download it , there are no such files (de.php) for german and even swedish (may be plugin is not updated).
    So I cloned and also downloaded (one at a time) and activated. when I cloned, the plugins name is vanilla-timeago but in dashbord shows timeago (ok lets say this doesnt matter). In this case the locale file (de.php) exists but the problem is this plugins works no more. Now it doesnt do anything. moreover i cannot diactivate this plugins (ist it strange :o )
    am I doing something wrong here??????

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Many developers keep more recent versions on GitHub, but you should not expect being able to use them without some knowledge. That mustn't be true but it's possible. In this cases, the folders name is the problem. On GitHub it is changed because of whatever reason - only Kasper knows.

    Plugins must reside in a folder that is exactly named as the key in the $PluginInfo[] array. If that is not the case, you can run into problems when you try to enable/disable them.

    I would suggest you delete all timeago lines in your /conf/config.php, delete the "old" timeago folder, rename vanilla-timeago to timeago and finally delete the *.ini files in /cache.

  • @R_J said:

    I would suggest you delete all timeago lines in your /conf/config.php, delete the "old" timeago folder, rename vanilla-timeago to timeago and finally delete the *.ini files in /cache.

    Thanks man , that works fine.
    I still have one question. May be I should ask @Kasper but still I am asking here.
    Can you make/or plugins so that it insteed of _ '1 day ago' it says _'yesterday at 10:00' with time. Is that possible?

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited July 2016

    @vanillawhisky said:

    @R_J said:

    I would suggest you delete all timeago lines in your /conf/config.php, delete the "old" timeago folder, rename vanilla-timeago to timeago and finally delete the *.ini files in /cache.

    Thanks man , that works fine.
    I still have one question. May be I should ask @Kasper but still I am asking here.
    Can you make/or plugins so that it insteed of _ '1 day ago' it says _'yesterday at 10:00' with time. Is that possible?

    that wouldn't be fuzzy? but this might give you some insights and an additional author to ask.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    The plugin changes the time with JavaScript. I'm no fan of this. I do not know if there is a better approach and since that plugin is made by Kasper, I would assume there are good reasons to solve the problem that way.

    If I would have to write such a plugin, I would try to change the output right from the beginning. "The beginning", when looking at a single discussion, is in the file /applications/vanilla/views/discussion/discussion.php:
    echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->DateInserted, 'html').

    Since it is directly echoed, there is no way to change the output "in the view".
    Next step: Gdn_Format. Looking through class formats method date() shows this code:

            if (function_exists('FormatDateCustom') && (!$Format || strcasecmp($Format, 'html') == 0)) {
                if (!$Timestamp) {
                    $Timestamp = time();
                return formatDateCustom($Timestamp, $Format);

    HEUREKA! So if we provide a function "formatDateCustom", this will be used instead of the default.
    The cleanest way to do so is to create an "empty" plugin (it needs to have a plugin info array and a class, but that class doesn't need to have a single method) and attach the replacement function below the class:

        if (!function_exists('FormatDateCustom')) {
            function formatDateCustom($timestamp, $format) {
                // Try this just to see that it is working!
                return "Timestamp = $timestamp, format = $format";

    After enabling this your dates will be displayed differently (though not useful). You can now copy parts of the original function to your own function and change this copy according to your needs.

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