How do i customise post comment button?
i want to know how to customize a post comment button. I want to tweak it with some font awesome icons and change the text.
Best Answer
River MVP
spend some time here, don't rush.
read question 5 your time. also you may want to read this again
the info is all there, you just need to spend a bit of time reading tutorials, until you understand.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
css here:
change the text via locale.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
the css has been of much help. But to change the post comment button. Still no info had yet.
try reading this.
you can change definitions in conf/locale.php
$Definition['Post Comment'] = 'Publier la réponse';
read the above discussion link and it has all the info. you can add html to the right hand side and images.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
To add an icon here
$Definition['Post Comment'] = '<img src="http to image"/>Publier la réponse';
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can't find locale.php file in the conf folder
spend some time here, don't rush.
read question 5
take your time. also you may want to read this again
the info is all there, you just need to spend a bit of time reading tutorials, until you understand.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
i then go to applications/vanilla/locale/locale.php to make some changes but still doesn't seem to reflect
nope, not what was suggested. wrong folder. please re- read comments and the links provided a few times. conf/locale.php
spend some time here, don't rush.
read question 5
also you can read "Official" documentation.
and at some point you may want to see this.
after you add conf/locale.php file as specified and add your definitions. make sure you delete your ini files in the cache folder for changes to take effect.
also this may help you for other things for other common questions.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
just went through and tried to even change new discussion to new topic but didn't work at all
ok great it's working. New discussion has changed to new topic. But as of now i am using a premium template called silicon. But i want to change his post comment button because it used an image instead of a text and makes it difficult for users to notice that. I have messaged him but no reply till now. Here is an image
Yea, that can happen. People sell their themes without tech support. Otherwise they would need to charge more for the theme…
You need to find out where this is happening inside the custom.css file.
To do that you need to use a web inspector browser extension, to identify where that code is inside the custom.css file.
Whenever asking for these sort of things that no one here would have experience with because they do not use that theme, you need to provide a link to the site , make a temp TestAdmin account or provide ftp credentials for someone to look at it personally … otherwise it's guessing. Or you could zip and attach your entire theme here and I am willing to install it and test it for you. Since the author does not seem to care to support his theme, bootlegging it , might be a good thing.
Find your web inspector on the website for the browser you use. Google the word web inspector if you don't know what that means.
I don't mind helping those who help themselves.
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But i want to change his post comment button because it used an image instead of a text and makes it difficult for users to notice that. I have messaged him but no reply till now.
When a day or two ago when you asked the same question and were told to post question on support forum where you bought the theme.
You can't expect the author to answer within two days, a year or two after you purchased the theme.
Two expectations that can't be met.
perhaps a little more patience and an attempt to read this here:
User could use a public free theme if you can't get support for paid premium theme from author.
Themeforest products are proprietary and should not be posted here.
css here:
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
LMFAO!!! I am not encouraging theft… I meant it as a sarcastic comment towards the author if he ever shows up or answers questions about his theme…
If they don't want to post the theme here for fear that they would be breaking some law, they can send it to me via email. I have not intention of distributing it…
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sets a bad precedent. breaking licensing agreement.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.