SSO with SAML, Vanillaforums 2.2.1

matznedamatzneda New
edited August 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


i've set up Vanilla a few months ago and it's great.
When i evaluated using vanilla as a forum i took a short look at the documentation if it's possible to use Single Sign On with SAML.
I found this Documentation Page and what is described here looks perfect for what I need:

SAML accounts are mapped to existing forum accounts by email address, or a new account is created if no match is found.

This is done by enabling the SAMLSSO addon, and configuring it via its Settings page (Dashboard -> Addons -> SAMLSSO -> Settings button)

As I tried to start developing, i found that in Vanilla 2.2.1 the SAMLSSO is no more available.

Where do I set up the Single Sign On using SAML, because it looks like only jsConnect is available today and this is not an option.
The System (CentOS 7) is already set up for SSO with SAML, just need to configure Vanilla now.

Thanks in advance!


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