Multiple Bots?

As a new forum owner I am really struggling being the only one creating useful content and having to spoof through different accounts to create artificial engagement. It's really time consuming and overwhelming. Could multiple bots be used to create conversations on a new discussion in order to create engagement? Bots talking to each other and replying to each others? I fear this might create a loop and end up creating an infinite conversation of bot talking to bot and the bot replying back and the bot replying back again until infinity.

If possible, how do we generate sentences that sound human like?



  • edited August 2016

    Bots talking to each other and replying to each others?

    Bots need to be programmed… you would need to add specific answers that they would post as a comment when a specific key word/words is posted.

    I fear this might create a loop and end up creating an infinite conversation of bot talking to bot and the bot replying back and the bot replying back again until infinity.

    Not without "Artificial Intelligence" , bots, any bots work with programs, they can't think for themselves yet.…

    If possible, how do we generate sentences that sound human like?

    By programming the predetermined answers .

    For example, there is a bot here called @Minion , if I was an admin, I might have the permissions to tell @Minion close this thread…. And then the Minion would say something like , yes my queen, because that is what I would have programmed Minion to say and then Minion would perform the action of closing a thread, which he would also need to be programmed to do.

  • "Not without "Artificial Intelligence" , bots, any bots work with programs, they can't think for themselves yet.…"

    If Bot A comments "Hello Dear"
    Then Bot B could be triggered by keyword "Dear", to which he reponds "Nice Day"
    but then Bot A is triggered by keyword "Nice", so then bot A replies with keyword "Dear", and this in turn causes bot B to use "Nice" keyword again in his reply......and this goes on with the bot replying in a loop..

    I'll give this a try by creating multiple bots and then giving each bot a group of keyword to reply to with a group of possible replies to each keyword.

  • edited August 2016

    Ok, so the way about creating more than one Bot plugins, is to first get permission from the author to clone and rename more than one Bot plugins, if author says yes go for it, then clone the Bot plugin and rename it and all the names in the files that say Bot, as Bot-answerer or what ever, then program each bot to response accordingly.

    Since this is Open source software, as long as you respect the license , then you can modify it if it is permissible.

    Maybe someone can come up with a multiple bot array that respond to key words and post stuff to make believe that there is someone visiting your forum.

    I can understand your frustration with lack of traffic or interaction. You might consider your content. Maybe you don't have enough content or it is not appealing content .

    Building a forum and having automated posting, points to an unsuccessful forum.

  • It's just me right now that's creating content, and by content I mean I find 1 or 2 useful articles to write or share on my forum and then I share it with my friends. I get 100-200 views on each article and then people share it and it becomes 300 views per article. The problem is that I want people to engage, but I see from Google Analytics that my site has lots of lurkers and people viewing some of the content, but they don't comment. I remember seeing this rule about 99% people view and 1% create content. Reddit has multiple people creating content for months before they saw their first comment.

    I am right now creating content everyday, sharing it, and spoofing different users to show engagement to encourage people to engage. It's so tiring for one person to do it all alone, but I have no choice right now. If bots could engage, that saves me time and I can focus on creating more content each day.

  • Ok , then how about you test this plugin for me. It posts discussions from RSS feeds.

    Get your feed from google feed burner and see if this actually works..

  • @vrijvlinder That seems useful. I'm trying out the plugin to get RSS feeds from sub reddits. Not sure how to use the plugin because when I click Settings it just takes me to my Dashboard.

  • Yea sorry about that, I was drunk when I decided to add that different link to the settings page without testing it…

    I will upload a working copy tomorrow…

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