Possible to make custom input fields in comments?

Basically, I want to make a hidden input field I can set the value of with Javascript.
This has to be submitted at the same time a comment gets posted, and after submission it should be cleared of the old value (like the commentBox).

If it's doable on the client side with Javascript that can detect when the submission was successful, even better.

This is the code I use to introduce my input field and to capture the value after it's been posted:

By the way: What's a good way to contribute plugins to the community? I've written a Diceroller and a plugin that lets you play Mastermind, which I've extensively tested with my own forum. Is it a good practice to open a discussion topic about them and ask first whether people can take a look at the code to check it for nonobvious forum breaking bugs / security flaws / better practices on the coding side of things?

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