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Anonymouse plugin doesnt work

this plugin is very useful, but it has been not update for 5 years. Therefore that plugin has no alternative which can allow to guests post. is there any developer who can contribute to this plugin?
i think it wont take your time much.
I think you are wrong. it would take a lot of time. and it would create alot of spam.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
i dont have much information about this. but it wont be like typing code all of that plugin. it is just editing and updating for 2.2.1.
i think you have enough abilities to make this update
true, you don't
it is not an easy thing (if it even could be done) and also prone to problems, otherwise it would have been done. believe it or not.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
then have you any idea which makes guest posts?
I wish you luck in your endeavors to find someone to do it.
maybe you could find someone here to do it for you....
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
You can already do it by simply changing the default role of Guest to something else from the default.
Create a new Role and call it Anonymous give it permission to post. Set it as the default Role instead of guest if they have not registered .
You pretty much control every aspect of your forum via roles and permissions.
However , allowing Anonymous posting, basically could be a User setting where they chose to post as no one in particular. That could be useful for users who do not want to show who they are for what ever reason…moderators and admin would be able to know who they are… kind of like Facebook does for multiple admins and editors of a page.
A plugin that allows registered users to post under the assumed name Anonymous or any name they might pick as a ghost writer name.
It could be called SockPuppetPlugin … here is an icon if anyone wants to make it.
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Here is a better icon…lol
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Don't know If it works with 2.2, but it exists and is called Incognito
Sources of Anonymouse is here
how can i do? this is the problem
@R_J this is for users, i want posting without register.
i asked someone on fiverr, he wanted 150 dolars.
i belive there are some guys who can do this update.
where is the open source soul?
sounds like a bargain. you should do it. make sure it works before you pay though, or only pay a partial amount.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
What will you contribute to Vanilla?
So if you don't care about spam, then you could create a different default permission for guests.
The way the guest role works, it only allows to view and to log in or register.
You could possibly create a new role which basically allows anyone to post without registration or log in and then set that as the default permission instead of Guest.
To be honest, doing this is never a good idea. It is a moderator's nightmare …
In order to bring real people to join , you need to make the content interesting and promote your forum elsewhere, like Facebook or even a free add on Craigslist.
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LOL. not a chance without additional code. that is why the plugin was written in the first place! to allow comments without registering.
Lets check back in 5 years and see if someone paid for the new plugin or if someone updates the existing addon. That will be the historical judgement of how important the perceived need of this type of plugin really is.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
There was a bug about a year ago or so that actually caused that to happen. I don't recall what it was or how it happened, but it allowed posting in the activity page from non registered guests.
The problem is that most people who get allowed to do this, will abuse it.
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Well, try to improve the plugin yourself, post here to fix the minor issues in the code you produced, and don't say "you think it won't take much time" (never say this to any professional in any line of work if you don't know how to do something yourself, because you have no way of knowing!) and you'll find that open source soul you're looking for!
Seriously, the time people volunteer here is staggering. (I know some of you guys are officially involved with Vanilla, I still see it as volunteering if you're helping people who didn't pay for your product)
Best advice I have for you? Take a deep breath, and rethink your method of asking for help. You'd have obtained way more helpful answers if you started like "Hey guys, I want people to be able to post anonymously but this plugin doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know of a fix or an alternative?"
Yea, no other forum support offers this amount of free help.
It's the reaction points that keep us coming back, after a million points, we get a beautiful house in Fiji, so the competition is intense…
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I knew you will say that.
I dont know php, js or something like that. I cant know these languages anymore. I am user, i just say what isnt working. This is my contribution, but you are developer. You can do this. To do or not to do is up to you, this your choice.
i tried today, but he is right. when i clicked "send comment", it redirects to signin page.
welcome community my friend. thanks your advices, but it is not easy to learn web develop languages and useless for me. web development has not any place on my career. i am not a coder. i dont need to learn them, build website is just hobby for me. yes you are right i mustnt ask like that, but why you obssesed this sentence so much. i just want to encourage people.
and yes, there are many volunteers people in there, i appreciate to them, because i ask question for several weeks like a fool, but they answered me patiently. this is why i am using this script. however unfortunately, there are many plugins which doesnt work anymore in there. when i compared with community which on 2014, i can dare to say this.