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Donation Recognition

I run a forum of about 270 people and many of them have offered to give me some money to offset hosting costs and for the time ive put into running the site. Id like to set up a paypal donation in the sidebar, but would like someway to recognize and aknowledge those who have donated. I was thinking a little symbol next to the avatar before their screenname would be nice. Is there any way to do this? I cant code my way out of a paper bag, which is why I really like vanilla! :)


  • here is something similar I am looking for
  • @onetwentyeight, what kind of features are you hoping for?
  • You could give them a role with a 'Forum Contribuitor' tagline. As far as a symbol goes... can you put an <img> tag in the taglines? /me goes to test.
  • Darn... doesn't look like it works. Mark--Care to add the RoleID as a class to the CommentNotice? That would make it easy to style.
  • edited 2006 10
    prince - gonna stick a paypal donation button in the sidebar, and if someone donates I just wanna toggle a preference in their profile so a little star or something comes up next to their name when they post, or their username is a different color or something. Just some sort of public recognition that they donated.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I can add delegates to the comments.php template so you guys can add your stuff wherever you want. Just tell me where and it's done.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh, and I'm planning on releasing Vanilla 1.0.1 next week. So lemme know sooner than later.
  • im not quite sure what delegates are...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff If you've looked at a lot of extensions, you will probably have seen a bunch of them in action. They make all the cool stuff in Vanilla possible. For a simple example, check out the permalink extension.
  • edited 2006 10
    okay... i think I get it... Id like extensions to be able to modify the little header above each post, ie, avatar, name, time ago posting. so new things can be added or existing changed. admitedly, Im not a coder (which is why i like vanilla, its so damn easy to set up), but thats how I'd imagine it working...
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