Porter : From french VBulletin

Everything works perfectly... well almost.

Every places where there was a é or a à (accents), the sentence has been truncated.

So I don't know if it's during the export, or the import, but I need support on this.

Some code somewhere in the vanilla2export.php needs to be changed?

Anybody? Thanks!



  • @KrUsTyX said:
    Everything works perfectly... well almost.

    Every places where there was a é or a à (accents), the sentence has been truncated.

    So I don't know if it's during the export, or the import, but I need support on this.

    Have you considered looking at the exported output prior to import. that would tell you if it was truncated on export vs. import.

    Some code somewhere in the vanilla2export.php needs to be changed?

    Anybody? Thanks!

    you probably want to check for utf8 and utf8mb4;


    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016

    N'ayant jamais eu de forum vBulletin sous la main, je ne peux pas dire si ça viens de là.
    A savoir que J'ai essayé avec VF2.3 et MyBB 1.8.7 pour tester, et tout à fonctionné comme prévu.
    Il y a peut-être un soucis d'encodage MySQL ou PHP sur votre serveur, ou c'est tout simplement vBulletin qui emmerde le monde :lol:

    I spoke french because you talk about a french forum. I'm french so I can help in french ^^

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