SSO connection between WP and VF need, call for developer

Hi all,
first post in this forum and brand new on Vanilla, so this is a help request, thanks to all that will answer.
I need to establish a Single Sign-On connection between a Wordpress 4.6.1 and a Vanilla Forums 2.2.1 installations.
Between WP and VF there is a bridge that manages the interactions and all works fine except that, to realize a SSO between WP and VF users, need a page that manages JSCONNECT scripts, as you know.
That page, that exists in VF paid version, isn't available in open source VF version and need to be built.
I browsed the forum and didn't found an easy-to-do solution, for not experienced developers, at least.
My question is: is there a developer that is able to do it for me? and, if yes, at what cost?
Please let me know, I'll wait for replies.
Thanks in advance.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
First of all thanks for answer, River, I appreciate.

The main problem is that in no one VF installation, in different server, not one shows the "Jsconnect" menu link, I attach a screenshoot of it
so, what it's wrong on it?
Vanilla 2.2.1 but I tried 2.3 beta1 and same result.
Please, point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance
OMG, I see now that there is a plugin to install JSconnect.
I will try with it and come back.
It works.
Please update documentation as nowhere I've found that need to install that plugin, in order to enable JSConnect.
Thanks River for your support.