Introducing the RelevantTitle plugin

The beta version of the RelevantTitle plugin is in the Addons library.

This version includes silent debugging code that will be removed in the official release.

I appreciate if you can provide feedback on the functionality - please post your feedback here.


● The plugin is designed to increase discussions visibility with rules that attempt to make titles relevant to the discussion content.

● Depending on the rules you set, the plugin may even stop some bots in their tracks.

● The plugin checks whether English title words appears to be related to the discussion body. It ignored some noise words like "the", "a", "will" and match some word variants like "Bank", "Banks", "banking" and "banked". For efficiency this is not a foolproof process but when prompted to change the title users can easily be more explicit and make it work.

● URLs and html tags within the discussion body are not matched against the title.

● You can set tite rules without enforcing them and then you can run reports to check which of the already saved discussions meet the rules you set. Once you are satisfied you can enforce the rules which are processed when a discussion is saved. Then, if a the title does not meet the rules the user is prompted to reword the title.

Examples of typical titles that are rejected: "What it this", "I have a question", "See this product"__



  • Amazing, i will test this. Once a day i have my typical "Help!!!???" posting. This could really help here. Thanx for the effort and bringing "smart" plugins to the community.

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  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited October 2016

    you requested feedback on functionality.

    just read the plugininfo, didn't test, and stopped reading when debugging statements made it difficult to read the code.

    seems odd that you make it mobile friendly false by default in the pluginfnfo - so setting rules would not work for posts from mobile devices, correct?

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016

    @River - thanks - indeed it should be mobile enabled. I am not looking for code review now - just for functionality review. As I wrote in the plugin information, the debugging code will be removed once the beta stage ends (and then I will post it to Github).

    As always, I thank you for your feedback.

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