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[Solved] Addon Not Showing in Dashboard

This discussion was created from comments split from: Addon did not show on dashboard for enabling..
I have similar issue here, but no idea how to fix.
I'm running Vanilla 2.2.1 and only in my localhost develop environment new applications (like Articles), new locales and some plugins, do not display on the dashboard list.
But in my online production environment I have no problem. All are the same files that I upload thru git/bitbucket.
So, my forum is working fine online, but I have no more a good way to improve it offline... All changes need be done on the real online fórum and that is really bad.
Any tips about how I can fix that?
I have PHP 5.5.9 on my online server and PHP 5.6.11 on my localhost.
I have the same issue from time to time and I found out that in my case the reason is that I use caching. Restarting memcached helps.
Since I do not always want to do this, I've created a simple plugin which, when enabled, clears the cache and disables itself. So anytime I think I should see a new plugin in the list but I cannot find it, I enable my ClearPluginCache and I see the new plugin!
Maybe you have a completely different problem, honestly I don't know it, but you could give that small plugin a try since it doesn't do anything potentially bad...
For the locales, it might be enough if you delete all *.ini files in the /cache folder
not sure if this would help
yes, it is odd that pitymaia appended a comment onto an old discussion that really has nothing to do with [] vs array() notation or vanilla 2.1 or earlier and deals with pre php version 5.4 issues. Starting a new one discussion that is, might be better. since his problem it is not a register call to action specific problem, but a general problem perhaps caching but without more details in a new discussion hard to tell. permissions ownership webserver type caching config setup etc.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
My phpinfo shows no memchache enabled here. About the plugin to clear the cache, I can't run it, becouse the plugin do not shows on my dashboard... This is my original problem.
I don't open a new topic becouse the problem are the same on the title of this one, new addons do not shows on the dashboard for enabling. My problem maybe is different, but the symptom are the same.
Clear the *.ini on cache folder also do not works to show my new locale.
I found the problem... The noob here don't see that the permissions of plugins, locale and applications are wrong on my local host but not on my online server.
Thanks for the tips any way.