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Not working as intended

Hi all!
I saw that my version of your editor has less options than the one in the screenshots uploaded. Not sure if I'm missing any configuration panel or something but i can't find anything. I'm just starting on vanilla so excuse me if this is a dumb question. Anyways, i'll attach a pic of what I'm talking about...
At least I'd appreciate some help changing the background color from black to white since I want it to integrate it as smooth as possible into my css theme. Can someone give me a hand, please?
Vanilla already comes with a great editor. The need for these plugins has passed... Please use the Advanced Editor that comes with Vanilla.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
I tried, but it wasn't working well regarding uploading pictures. I tried to cover that funcionality using "ImageUpload" plugin but I couldn't use both plugins(advanced and image) at the same time. any thought? am i doing something wrong?
how so? insertion of uploads is fixed in vanilla 2.3.x w/ advanced editor.
without knowing what you want to do and what is not working, its hard to tell if you are doing something wrong.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
well, as I specified I'am in vanilla 2.2. It was my understanding that vanilla 2.3 is still in a testing phase....
actually, by my words you could imply that i want any kind of editor with image uploading feature working properly.
CreativeCLE editor is working fine but it seems like I can't change its style. I guess it might be a problem in my css theme. I'll look into that.
Advanced editor it's fine and it's translated into my language but it is buggy regarding image uploading.
Anyways, thx for your help. I'll have in mind that as soon as i upgrade to 2.3 those bugs will be fixed.
yes, I reailized you are using 2.2. But wanted to point out that your struggle may be over depending on what your issue is, if you are patient and the problem is not an upload issue but an insertion issue.
Not really - I could infer, but you are implying. thats what I was told anyways.
Imply - to express (something) in an indirect way : to suggest (something) without saying or showing it plainly. :
Infer - verb (used with object), inferred, inferring. ... They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice. ... 1520s, from Latin inferre "bring into, carry in; deduce, infer, conclude, draw an inference; bring against," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + ferre "carry, bear," from PIE *bher ...
but I didn't assume what your problem was, because it was ambiguous to me.
Are you having a problem uploading file where it won't upload, a problem with thumbnail, or an error message.
or are you having a issue with the insertion of the image, although the upload actually works but is not inserting in the manner that you want.
there are a number of solutions for each problem in 2.2 - you can search the forum for manual changes to the advanced editor, if you prefer to wait till 2.3 is released but want to "insert image" automatically instead of manually.
not sure what type of input formatter you are using or mobile input formatter.
So, once again I can't begin to guess what your upload problem is. but you should be able to solve it with this shotgun approach.
If you mean auto-insertion I've provided links to solutions with regards to vanilla 2.2
There may be bugs in the advanced editor but the insertion automatically happens in the new release of the advanced editor.
no problem, just wanted to point out, if you want to try 2.3 or wait till it is official the insertion works,
I think it would be cleaner and less painful to use advanced editor, because you know it will be supported in the future and is part of core plugins. albeit the bug fixes may be slow in coming and the editor fixes won't comout to the next version of vanilla is released. and the next set of fixes wi;; most likely be tied to the next release and so on.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.