Well, except that the categories aren't sorted when users go to post new comments. In the drop-down box for a new comment, the categories appear in the order they were added to the database (strict numerical order), regardless of how they are sorted in the drag-and-drop. So if you want a category to be the "default" for your posters, it has to be the oldest category added.
jellicleWell, except that the categories aren't sorted when users go to post new comments. In the drop-down box for a new comment, the categories appear in the order they were added to the database (strict numerical order), regardless of how they are sorted in the drag-and-drop.
Uhh... that's not the way it should be working. Categories have a "CategoryID" based on when they created and a "Priority" based on the drag-and-drop order. Something is wrong with your install if it's not sorting them by their "Priority".