Sorting Categories

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a way to do this outside of going into database ?


  • Check out the settings -> categories panel. It's drag and drop :)
  • Well, except that the categories aren't sorted when users go to post new comments. In the drop-down box for a new comment, the categories appear in the order they were added to the database (strict numerical order), regardless of how they are sorted in the drag-and-drop. So if you want a category to be the "default" for your posters, it has to be the oldest category added.

  • edited April 2008
    jellicleWell, except that the categories aren't sorted when users go to post new comments. In the drop-down box for a new comment, the categories appear in the order they were added to the database (strict numerical order), regardless of how they are sorted in the drag-and-drop.
    Uhh... that's not the way it should be working. Categories have a "CategoryID" based on when they created and a "Priority" based on the drag-and-drop order. Something is wrong with your install if it's not sorting them by their "Priority".
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