Feed Discussions 1.2.1



  • I'm confused. In this topic you seem to able to add feeds https://vanillaforums.org/discussion/32833/magpierss-magpiefeeds, but in this topic you can't.

    Both plugins should be completely the same. Weird.

  • Hi Caylus. No, on this other topic I say I have this error : The Feed URL you supplied is not an RSS stream.

    I could manage to activate the plugin and add a feed, but it's not making any post. I created another topic in the appropriate Vanilla 2.3 section since this one is "Vanilla 2.2 Help"

  • Sorry I'm still confused. You managed to activate the MagpieRSS plugin in the meantime yes?

    I meant you were able to attempt to add a feed :P I knew you received a "The Feed URL you supplied is not an RSS stream" error. But to get that error, you must've been able to activate the plugin.

    So just to be certain: You've managed to activate the plugin somehow and are now only having trouble adding feeds yes?

  • 78__8878__88 New
    edited November 2016

    yes Caylus I can activate the magpierss plugin now on vanilla 2.3
    Can't add any feed though, while with the FeedDiscussion I can and it seems to works.


    magpierss : can activate / can't add feed
    feeddiscussions : can activate / can add feed (but every post is 'closed', I posted a question in the appropriate 2.3 category for this plugin)

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