.Ini files keep re-appearing

Hi all! I'm trying to clear my cache. I keep deleting my .ini files but they keep re-appearing.

Any ideas? Thank you!


  • @dtp56 you are noticing what should happen.

    that is normal behavior.

    the ini files get recreated if they don't exist, when your vanilla forum is browsed.
    when they get recreated they will have the most up to date info available at that time

    they are refreshed if they do exist when you enable things in dashboard, and under some other conditions.

    some things will not refresh the ini files, e.g. manually editing the config file will not refresh ini files. That is why you need to manually erase ini files under certain occasions.
    e.g. adding a new conf/locale.php requires deleting ini files afterwards, and the recreated ones will have the necessary info and mapping.

    if your problem is clearing cache. it could be browser cache, memcache, opcache, cloudflare and other things that have nothing to do with the ini files.

    what problem are you trying to solve?

    if it is with css changes not appearing using css editor and see the faq in tutorials category.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hi thanks for the help and oh gotcha on ini files. I initially had an error message, sorry I can't remember was something like gds (don't remember exact letters) error on line 47 bootstrap. Upon researching it seemed people said clear cache. After deleting ini files I now have a bonk image. May I provide anything else? Thanks!

  • see this for troubleshooting info and debugging.


    also this has some some good debugging and troubleshooting info.


    read them both and you will become a troubleshooting expert.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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