Usual questions of a beginner

Hi, I've been attracted to Vanilla by its design and appearance. Just about to install my first forum software. Before I begin, let me ask the following questions:

  • I was going to use discourse, but it dawned on me vanilla might be more economical on the resources (always a problem on budget ventures) and it looks just as good or even better. Do you think it is really the case?
  • Is there a beginner's guide other than the Readme file?
  • I've seen large gains in speed offered by utilising the Varnish cache here Could somebody provide a working configuration for 2.3 for a typical install scenario (1 domain, 1 server)? That'd be extremely helpful.
  • Can vanilla do hidden categories, forums, threads? I mean really hidden, even if somebody has a link. Couldn't figure from docs. I've seen a "Premium zone" plugin, but it's flagged as "not stable".
  • Last but not least, what's the current status of wordpress integration? I've seen some daunting remarks next to the WP plugin. I guess I can set up a feed on a wp site using the universal method?
    Best from a white Kraków, Poland

Best Answers


  • Thanks for joining in @vrijvlinder
    Basic configuration shouldn't be a problem. I just wished to know how to do some advanced caching to squeeze as much as possible out of the server. At the moment I'm on OVH's basic VPS SSD 1 with 1 core and 2GB RAM just to get the project going, which I intend to scale up as the project grows.
    1. How many concurrent users can a server like this accommodate (if used for vanilla forums only)?
    2. Should the next step be something with lots of RAM or lots of cores? What's an ideal ratio?

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