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Any Vanilla promotional buttons ??



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    edited August 2006
    Given the quantity of various add-ons, it is difficult to call Vanilla a simple tool. Surely the freshly installed version is! But theming, customization, languages, and extensions make it much more complex. I have spent about 4 days doing all these things. AssProphet, if you plan to include a slogan in there, please consider the above versions, giving Mark's "The sweetest forum on the web" the highest priority for obvious reasons. Thanks everyone for your responsiveness. I am surprised that no collection of these buttons has bee created for such a cool forum application. AssProphet, can't wait to see your first versions.
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    Some nice stuff. lol. I deff like slogans
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    Perhaps "Vanilla, the closest to heaven a forum will get you."
    OK I'm getting a little tired now! ;-)
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    Maybe "Vanilla: powerful simplicity" or "Vanilla: power in simplicity" (have I stolen that slogan without realising!?)
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    edited August 2006
    very probable.. . i thought about, "simplicity must be sweet" or "vanilla: sweet and simple"
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    I like sweet and simple!
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    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I'm almost done with a set of about 14 different icons. I'm showing them to Mark to get his approval first and make any changes he wants before people start putting them everywhere. So if you want to suggest taglines or logo presentations you'ld like, I'll put some together with your input. Keep it coming.
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    How 'bout an " I Love Vanilla", New York logo styled?
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    edited August 2006
    OK, drums please, here comes the worst yet! "Vanilla... the purposefilla".
    This is really getting out of hand.
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    Yeah, but it beat's the one I was going to suggest:

    "Vanilla was a highly regarded flavoring in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica"
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    Yeah I'm afraid it just might!!
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    edited August 2006
    My first thought was "Vanilla - Another way to piss off my girlfriend by redesigning my site AGAIN."
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    LOL that's right on!
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    Ok guys I'm still waiting on Mark's approval, but here's something to wet your appetite.


    I'm so damn funny...
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    NickENickE New
    edited August 2006
    I guess this is sort of lame, but here's one I made a while back when I was bored:

    EDIT: If I ever have a public installation of vanilla, AssProphet, that is, without a doubt, the logo I would use. :-P
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    LOL! SirNot, I was just designing that same logo, but I was having trouble finding some of my bitmap fonts. Which did you use? I could probably use it for other logos too. If it's not held down by some evil lisence send it to me at assprophet [at] gmail [dot] com.
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    I actually played around with fonts for a while then decided it would be a better waste of time to simply write it in pixel by pixel, so I'm afraid there's nothing I can send you.
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    that's cool, good job on the pixeling though.
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    edited August 2006
    Mini 7's definitely the sweetest bitmap font I've seen/used, it set me back $25 for the whole family, but they're much better than the free ones I've seen.
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    i love the SirNot button :)
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