How to send a message to all user without select their user name

mdrajaskmdrajask New
edited January 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I want to send a message (wish,greet,etc) to all my user with out select their user name. is it possible?


  • No, that is no standard feature, you would have to write a plugin for that. But imagine what that would look like: either you would have one conversation with every user involved (why not make a discussion then) or you would have as much different messages as you have users. Handling your mailbox would become near to impossible...

  • @R_J said:
    No, that is no standard feature, you would have to write a plugin for that. But imagine what that would look like: either you would have one conversation with every user involved (why not make a discussion then) or you would have as much different messages as you have users. Handling your mailbox would become near to impossible...

    because when I send a message to a user he/she also get a email notification, but when I make a discussion not happens this..

  • You might be interessted in this plugins:

    Not sure if they will work at all, but the least you have to do is to search for "public function ...(&$Sender) {" and replace it with "public function ...($Sender) {"

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