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Telephone Number Field Request

BentotBentot New
edited 2006 18 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can I request a Phone Number Field to be added in the Account Category? In the Personal Information section?

Thanks in advance.


  • ithcyithcy New
    edited 2006 13
    have you tried this addon?
  • hi ithcy I installed the extension but it doesn't appear on my Account > Personal Information Did I miss anything? Pls. let me know. Thanks
  • did you try refreshing the page? it has to install itself on the first go. otherwise go into your conf/settings.php and look for this line: $Configuration['PredefinedAttributes_INSTALLED'] = 1; if it's not there, maybe add it yourself and try again.
  • I tried adding this line $Configuration['PredefinedAttributes_INSTALLED'] = 1; but it screwed up my Personal info section so I removed it again.
    I wish I know PHP because it looks like an easy tweak for some gurus in here in the ( account.php?PostBackAction=Identity )

    Can someone add this option below the email field with a Check box to show or hide phone number?

    Thanks in advance guys :)
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited 2006 13
    ok, one more try... that addon comes with two packages: one for vanilla 0.9.2 and another for vanilla 1. check the readme file and the addon page to make sure you are using the right package. it is exactly the addon you need, and i know it works because i have installed it on my vanilla. michaelontheroof wrote it, though, not me, so maybe you could try sending him a whisper.
  • I downloaded the zipped file again incase I missed something and extracted it.
    I have Vanilla 1 ang the version I used is Predefined Attributes 0.3.3

    I opened conf/settings.php and look for this line:
    $Configuration['PredefinedAttributes_INSTALLED'] = 1; (this does not exist)

    still not working.. Can someone help please?
  • can someone insert a Telephone number Field in the Personal Information section please?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Someone please help.

    can someone insert/add a Telephone number Field in the Personal Information section please?
    I really need this addon and I won't ask for anymore favor ever again :(

    Thanks in advance guys.
  • Bentot would you care to explain what it is you're having so much difficulty with? Have you actually followed the readme file in the extension?
  • BentotBentot New
    edited 2006 16
    minisweeper I have Vanilla 1 and installed Predefined Attributes 0.3.3 but it doesn't show up on my Personal information Settings so I didn't know what to do . I installed this extension because I want my members to able to add their phone number in their Personal information. Thanks for the help
  • a_ja_j
    edited 2006 16
    Why can't you just use the Utility already in the Personal settings? Just tell your users to Put "Phone" in the label, and their number in the Value... Or you could edit the definitions to explain it above the input boxes. Or edit the way it looks so it already says "Phone", and they can just enter their #
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited 2006 16
    look man, i already told you there are two versions of Predefined Attributes 0.3.3 in the archive, and i told you how to install it. did you look inside the archive before you copied it to your server?
    If you're not going to read the readme or the advice in this thread, which will get you what you want, i don't know how to help you.
  • When you say you installed it, do you mean you just uploaded the folder and enabled it in your extensions list? If you look in the readme file you'll notice you have to browse to a certain page to make the script install itself properly (i.e. add a column to the users table). You also need to open up the default.php file and edit the array in there to only put in the information you want. Is it really so hard?
  • Upload the "PredefinedAttributes" folder not the whole "PredefinedAttributes_v0.3.3" folder (which has the former folder in it)? ... is all I can think of. Telephone numbers work via this extension on my setup.

    And tell us when you figure it out what you were doing. :)
  • BentotBentot New
    edited 2006 16
    I apologize for being a pain in the @ss :) I'll try again guys. I installed/uploaded a lot of extensions already and they work fine. I did the same thing to this one but I guess I don't understand the readme file very well. Minisweeper's comment sort of clears it for me so I'll try again. Minisweeper wrote: "When you say you installed it, do you mean you just uploaded the folder and enabled it in your extensions list? " Answer: Yes I guess it's not like the rest of the extensions that works right after I put a check on the box. Thanks for your patience guys :) I'll let you know.
  • Here's where I'm stuck guys... The README says... After you enabled the extension visit settings.php?PostBackAction=InstallPredefinedAttributes to install the extension. Where is this ? I opened settings.php in the root folder and I can't find PostBackAction=InstallPredefinedAttributes" Am I looking on the right file? No.3 says "Configure your Predefined Attributes in the default.php" I don't see default.php in the root folder either? I'm pretty sure this is a no brainer for the programmers but unfortunately I'm not that's why I need your help guys. And I appreciate it.
  • I think I found the default.php... it's in the PredefinedAttribute directory.
  • Is this where I enable the extension? array( "Label" => "Phone-Nr.", "Required" => true, "Value" => "", "Hidden" => true, "Description" => "A short description will be displayed on the personal Information page only." ),
  • I think what you want to do is browse to the address
    http://[your vanilla address]/settings.php?PostBackAction=InstallPredefinedAttributes

    What I mean is: use your web browser.
  • I solved my problem and the funny thing is it's staring me in the face the whole time. I didn't use the extension at all. What I requested was a Phone number field so that when members click a username, the phone number will appear with the rest of the details right? I solved it by Entering the details in the "Label" and "Value" field. I typed Telephone in the Label field and 123456789 in the Value field.. So now when I click on my username. The Telephone number shows in the bottom of the list. :D I apologize for being so annoying guys. Thanks
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