Import from SMF left <br /><br /> within discussions and removed formatting

LikeabookLikeabook New
edited February 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi, I noticed that the porter import of my SMF forum left the
code and removed formatting in all discussions. Is there a fix for this after the fact or something I can do before the import? Using version 2.3.


  • removed formatting in all discussions

    Can you tell us what formatting you used before? HTML or rich text or BBC ?

  • Hi vrijvlinder, I believe it to be HTML simply because it's the code resulting from hitting the enter key within the text area to start a new line of text. And looks like this
    which in the SMF info I read denotes HTML. And because the BBC code is created by the use of buttons and shows with brackets like this [/b]. Also, I don't see any way to start a new line of text except by hitting the enter key.

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