some problems in practical use with panel link removed.

Sir your auro 2 and gopi themes look great, but there are some practical concerns.
- My immediate concern: in auro 2 user cant locate their discussions and saved draft. Mobile user do not find any notification when profile link is opened from hamburger menu to see notifications. i want the my draft and my discussions etc links in side panel and on profile page, like they are in gopi theme and bootstrap 2.57 and in all default themes. please tell what code i should modify in which file to display these links in auro 2 theme.
more concerns
Among these links if i want to hide only recent discussion and activity link how can i do that.
in future update to themes can you please provide easy notification to mobile users in both theme. it is impossible to see notification list currently in auro 2. In gopi ,user has to reach profile page first , find notification link then after these steps he can see list. no body will do 3 steps . Easy solution could be, after clicking username in hamburger which show notification counter, member should see pending notification list above on profile page, and profile below. 65 percent my users are mobile , i guess same for many other.
gopi theme shows menu hamburger item before signin on mobile, no static pages can be shown without signin and even after signin by deafult. Also adding additional menu items do not fit in menu head even in desktop view. In these respects auro 2 menu is best. thats why i prefer auro 2. Rest all gopi is better.
Just my pieces of feedback. please address my first concern so i could use auro2 immediately. In future i expect gopi to have a no nonsense menu like auro2 and will then prefer that. Thankyou for great themes.