Hamburger menu not working in 2.3 [RESOLVED]

whu606whu606 MVP
edited February 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

The hamburger menu doesn't seem to be working.

Clicking on it returns 'Page not found'.

Any ideas?



  • It also looks like the edit cog wheel isn't responding.

  • edited February 2017

    It might help to change this in the custom.js it fixes the Hamburger menu issue

    jQuery(function ($) {
    to this 
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    Then you must change some CSS because the menu items ul is also hiding . That is why the cog does not seem to work. It works but css is blocking the drop down from view.
    Remove the !important from all of it, there are two in the custom.css file
    Also remove , overflow:hidden  from this line 
    .ToggleFlyout {
        display: inline-block;
         overflow: hidden; 
  • Thanks very much, @vrijvlinder.

    I'll try that tomorrow.

  • Thanks for looking at it, @Vrijvlinder, but that doesn't seem to change anything.

    The theme works fine in Vanilla 2.2, so I assume that there is an issue with 2.3, possibly in the themehooks.

  • I'm using 2.3 , with the changes I made it worked for me.

  • Thanks for replying, @vrijvlinder .

    I'll download a fresh copy, make the changes and see if that does the trick.

  • Problem resolved with those changes, @vrijvlinder

    Thanks very much.

    The 'page not found' issue was down to one of my plugins, although I don't know why it should affect the theme, as it is not set to mobile friendly and shouldn't appear in mobile themes.

    It didn't affect the theme in 2.2.

    In 2.3, without the plugin enabled, /#menu is appended to the address, and the categories slide into view.


    With the plugin enabled it appends the site/folder name:


  • Resolved by changing my opening line in .js file from



  • You should define it as jQuery to avoid undefined issues. The problem you had could be retaliated to that .


  • Thanks @vrijvlinder

    I got it working by moving the initial $ to the brackets, but I've added jQuery now as well.

    Thanks again for your help; I and my mobile users are very grateful.

  • You are very welcome , I found this issue a while back trying to resolve similar problems with my own plugins. Then I applied it to other plugins and themes that were causing similar issues and was fixed after that. Found out that it is better to define it rather than just use the $ function . Since using the function alone without defining it is jQuery can be misinterpreted by the browser . Specially if the jQuery uses the jQuery UI . Such as the hamburger menu or scrolling.

    Glad you sorted it out.

  • @whu606 said:
    With the plugin enabled it appends the site/folder name:


    If you show me that plugin, I can tell you what causes that double thing.

    I had this happen too but only in installations in a subdirectory, the problem does not happen when in the root.

    It has to do with how urls are written for example

    src="images/xxx.jpg"   will cause a double of the directory name if in a subdirectory


    src=".'Url(images/xxx.jpg)'." then it works like a charm.

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