jquery.livequery.js missing at posts editor after upgrade to 2.3

After I have upgraded 2.2 to 2.3, the jquery.livequery.js plugin stopped loading , causing Advanced Editor plugin to stop working at posts add/edit pages.

As a quick fix, I added the corresponding line in the end of


but I'd prefer more elegant solution, if it exists.



  • R_JR_J Admin

    As far as I know, livequery shouldn't be used in the advanced editor any more. Are you sure you are using advanced editor? I think CLEdit uses livequery.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Sorry, that wasn't a real answer to your question...

    If you want to add livequerry and that can be found in vanillas js folder, create a plugin which has only one method:

    public function base_render_before($sender) {
  • @R_J said:
    As far as I know, livequery shouldn't be used in the advanced editor any more. Are you sure you are using advanced editor? I think CLEdit uses livequery.

    "Advanced Editor" plugin is enabled. According to generated HTML, editor menu is created by plugins/editor/views/editor.php (Advanced Editor plugin). If I remove the livequery line, console reports it can't find the plugin and no editor functionality is available.

    Moreover, livequery plugin is referenced in plugins/editor/js/editor.js - so the question is why it stopped being automatically included after upgrade to 2.3 ?

    I appreciate the plugin workaround, but it's a crutch akin to mine. If Advanced Editor plugin references a jQuery plugin, it should include corresponding code into page without my interference.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    I hope I'm not talking nonsense or we are talking about different things, but when I look at that:


    I would say livequery shouldn't be used at all. On line 1789 of plugins/editor/editor.js you will find that the jquery livequery plugin is replaced with an internal function.

    Maybe it would help to download 2.3. and re-upload it. You would only have to backup your .htaccess file, all other files can be overwritten without a problem.

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