It's not possible for a user to delete his own discussion?

I only see the configuration to allow for deleting comments. But what about the discussion?
Best Answer
R_J Admin
@rkleemann said:
I don't understand the logic behind not allowing the author to delete his own discussion.Deleting a discussion involves deleting comments. I would be outraged if anyone would be able to delete my comments and if it would happen more than once, I would be disencouraged to participate in the discussions of that person.
I would agree that allowing to delete a discussion without comments should be possible. But if you do so, you would have to offer that as an option which might be confusing sometimes. Not sure about that.
Instead of allowing employees to delete a discussion, I would think of allowing them to edit their discussions for a certain amount of time. If they wrote something they shouldn't want others to read, they can edit it.
No, once a discussion has been published , it can be edited depending on permissions. Only the admin or moderators can delete it if they have permissions.
Look at roles and permissions in the dashboard..
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I understand. The permissions in the dashboard are global, meaning that allowing deletion gives everyone permission not only the author.
I don't understand the logic behind not allowing the author to delete his own discussion.
I am sure there is a logical reason.. I don't know what it is , I can come up with several reasons, because most other forum software is the same in that regard.
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Deleting a discussion involves deleting comments. I would be outraged if anyone would be able to delete my comments and if it would happen more than once, I would be disencouraged to participate in the discussions of that person.
I would agree that allowing to delete a discussion without comments should be possible. But if you do so, you would have to offer that as an option which might be confusing sometimes. Not sure about that.
Instead of allowing employees to delete a discussion, I would think of allowing them to edit their discussions for a certain amount of time. If they wrote something they shouldn't want others to read, they can edit it.
Great point, RJ! makes sense