[Vanilla 2.4b] I can't open "Themes" page in Dashboard

edited March 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


I have been developing a personal project using Vanilla 2.4 beta and using the Boostrap theme without any problem in my local enviroment (OSX). Yesterday I tried to push my project to my production server. I'm using Git so I pulled my project on the server and replicate my local DB on production. I visited the forum and it show up but with the default template instead Boostrap. I said, "OK let us check the theme configuracion in the Dashboard". First issue:

After a few minutes debugging, I realized that Vanilla was trying to read /themes/Bootstrap instead of /themes/boostrap. So I renamed the folder to Bootstrap (with capital B ). Now the forum works with the Bootstrap theme, but I still can't access the Themes page on the Dashboard:

I checked the /cache/themes/ folder and Vanilla is creating two files: Bootstrap.php and bootstrap.php. I think there is the problem, but I wasn't able to track it down.

Hope you can help me, guys, thanks!


  • R_JR_J Admin

    The folder should indeed be "Bootstrap". After you have renamed it, just delete the cached theme files and everything will be working again

  • nikoskipnikoskip
    edited March 2017

    I already tried that, but Vanilla is still creating both files. I have deleted /cache/theme/ and /cache/theme-index.php. Same result always :(

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Please delete not only the index but also the content of the folder /cache/theme. ;)

  • @R_J as I said, I already did that. I have deleted the content of /cache/theme/ getting the same result.


  • I finally found the problem: the array index of the theme in about.php. $ThemeInfo['bootstrap'] needs to be $ThemeInfo['Bootstrap'].

    It is funny that anybody never reported this issue, I can't be the only one using Boostrap theme in a case-sensitive enviroment.

  • @nikoskip said:
    I finally found the problem: the array index of the theme in about.php. $ThemeInfo['bootstrap'] needs to be $ThemeInfo['Bootstrap'].

    It is funny that anybody never reported this issue, I can't be the only one using Boostrap theme in a case-sensitive enviroment.

    Actually if you search you would find that there were reports, many. And they all have the same solution you found.

    The name of the theme must match the name of the folder. Same with plugins.

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