Your site looks cool, but then again, you are just using the Universal Code and the js embed code of: <div class="forum"><script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script></div>
which works for you but not for me.
I am still looking for something different that works for me.
If you look at my main site, I have links to my forum and my blog and other things...
that is what you need to do with your menu on your main site. Not sure how else to explain the obvious to you..
Put your forum in a directory called /forum or whatever, then put a link to that on your website's menu. It is very simple.
So your forum does not look like your website? Style it using CSS , you want a link back to your main site ? Add a plugin like addmenuitem or add the link to the default.master.tpl or the default.master.php of the vanilla custom theme you are using.
After 2.1 Vanilla started to use only a tpl master and many themes are made using that. You need to know how to add the link to your forum on your site.
Assuming that your forum is at that is the link you use to go to the stand alone forum. Then you would use the Vanilla plugin AddMenuItem to ad more links to the Vanilla forum menu, or Use the Index plugin to add links or even add the link by hardcoding it.
Hardcoding the link is different using tpl master template than php master template.
Please look at my themes, as most are using the default.master.php template if you want to compare templates. I prefer using php template because most things work better in my opinion and experience ... that is just my own opinion.
After 2.1 Vanilla started to use only a tpl master and many themes including the default are made using that. You should not edit the default theme that is why the file is not in the default theme folder. Please use another theme or try one of my themes which do have a default.master.php instead of a default.master.tpl
You need to know how to add the link to your forum on your site.
Assuming that your forum is at that is the link you use to go to the stand alone forum. Then you would use the Vanilla plugin AddMenuItem to ad more links to the Vanilla forum menu, or Use the Index plugin to add links or even add the link by hardcoding it. To go back to the main site.
Hardcoding the link is different using tpl master template than php master template.
Please look at my themes, as most are using the default.master.php template if you want to compare templates. I prefer using php template because most things work better in my opinion and experience ... that is just my own opinion.
You need one link on your main site to go to the stand alone forum, and one link on the forum to go back to the main site.
Yes, this is why I initially did not want to theme my site and only embed it.
I am not editing the default theme, I have created a new theme as outlined in the Vanilla docs. But the theme I copied only uses tpl not php. In fact, none of the themes in my installation have a default.master.php for me to even look at.
Using tpl files takes me right away from being able to use the php includes that I use all through my site.
I don't just want to just add more links to the Vanilla Forum menu, or add links within my content. Those plugin are of no value to me.
I want to use php to 'include' or 'require' other php pages into my site. Not sure if you understand this.
There used to be 'Smarty' tags that you could use in tpl files to bring a php script into your site, in fact, I use those in my blog pages. But they do not seem to work with Vanilla.
I also tried the {include_file name="my_menu.php"} smarty tag but that does not parse the php to produce my menu on the page.
I am just having trouble trying to find a theme that still uses a default.master.php file. You say "my themes" but I don't know which themes are yours.
There used to be 'Smarty' tags that you could use in tpl files to bring a php script into >your site, in fact, I use those in my blog pages. But they do not seem to work with >Vanilla.
I am not a Smarty expert , sorry .. I am sure there is a way to do what you want via smarty .. just search the forum and I am sure you will find something.
Using tpl files takes me right away from being able to use the php includes that I use all through my site.
There is a way to add php via themehooks file that most tpl based themes have. This is not an all or nothing , there are other possibilities. Vanilla is highly adaptable.
Try that theme you mentioned of mine to see what it does. It may be what you need to get started while you figure out how Vanilla uses Smarty to compile php.
Only my themes and older themes from others that no longer work use php master.
You can easily replace the tpl of any theme with a php one. BetterBitter is such a theme. The original called Bitter Sweet theme was a tpl and I converted it to php.
You can take the default.master.php from BetterBitter and replace the tpl of your clone as well as remove the themehooks and then you have a default.master.php based theme.
It's all CSS... you can interchange the css file from any theme that uses the same classes. Not all themes stick to the Vanilla classes.
Yeah, regardless of what I do, it just seems that I no longer have any method within the Vanilla framework to use any php include or php require statements.
They are absolutely essential to me keeping my site maintenance as simple as possible as I am building quite a large site.
Even if I use a default.master.php file, php include or php require statements do not seem to work in the Vanilla environment either.
There were smarty tags available for that once but they too are also now depreciated.
There is a smarty class known as SmartyBC that provides backwards compatibility for them, but I can find no mention of them here, so I presume they are also not available.
I have blog software where the tpl simply allows me to use a smarty tag such as {show_site_menu menu_path='/pathtomenubar/menu-bar.php'} and that brings my menubar onto the page exactly where I want it, but it seems no such features are here.
What I want to do is so very simple and so basic, I do it every day on my site, but as I said long before, too much time wasting and mucking around trying to deal with it all when installations give you no way of doing it - so back to the iframe until I can find forum software that is much more open to the use of native php or better ways of embedding.
there is a way.. but you have been jumping from this topic to that topic and I have tried to keep up with your questions. You need to read the Tutorial Category or use the search to find what you need .. it is out there. This is the most extensible forum software on the planet.
Your site looks cool, but then again, you are just using the Universal Code and the js embed code of:
<div class="forum"><script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script></div>
which works for you but not for me.
I am still looking for something different that works for me.
No, I am not that is in my blog as an example of embedding but my forum is at
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
If you look at my main site, I have links to my forum and my blog and other things...
that is what you need to do with your menu on your main site. Not sure how else to explain the obvious to you..
Put your forum in a directory called /forum or whatever, then put a link to that on your website's menu. It is very simple.
So your forum does not look like your website? Style it using CSS , you want a link back to your main site ? Add a plugin like addmenuitem or add the link to the default.master.tpl or the default.master.php of the vanilla custom theme you are using.
Do not edit the default themes.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
OK, sorry, I thought that I had gone to the forum page.
If I add a link to the default.master.tpl is just brings up the smarty code in my page.
The default.master.php sounds interesting - but where is it located?
After 2.1 Vanilla started to use only a tpl master and many themes are made using that. You need to know how to add the link to your forum on your site.
Assuming that your forum is at that is the link you use to go to the stand alone forum. Then you would use the Vanilla plugin AddMenuItem to ad more links to the Vanilla forum menu, or Use the Index plugin to add links or even add the link by hardcoding it.
Hardcoding the link is different using tpl master template than php master template.
Please look at my themes, as most are using the default.master.php template if you want to compare templates. I prefer using php template because most things work better in my opinion and experience ... that is just my own opinion.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
I can't find any default.master.php file in my installation.
Could you please tell me where it is located?
Please read what I said again.
After 2.1 Vanilla started to use only a tpl master and many themes including the default are made using that. You should not edit the default theme that is why the file is not in the default theme folder. Please use another theme or try one of my themes which do have a default.master.php instead of a default.master.tpl
You need to know how to add the link to your forum on your site.
Assuming that your forum is at that is the link you use to go to the stand alone forum. Then you would use the Vanilla plugin AddMenuItem to ad more links to the Vanilla forum menu, or Use the Index plugin to add links or even add the link by hardcoding it. To go back to the main site.
Hardcoding the link is different using tpl master template than php master template.
Please look at my themes, as most are using the default.master.php template if you want to compare templates. I prefer using php template because most things work better in my opinion and experience ... that is just my own opinion.
You need one link on your main site to go to the stand alone forum, and one link on the forum to go back to the main site.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Yes, this is why I initially did not want to theme my site and only embed it.
I am not editing the default theme, I have created a new theme as outlined in the Vanilla docs. But the theme I copied only uses tpl not php. In fact, none of the themes in my installation have a default.master.php for me to even look at.
Using tpl files takes me right away from being able to use the php includes that I use all through my site.
I don't just want to just add more links to the Vanilla Forum menu, or add links within my content. Those plugin are of no value to me.
I want to use php to 'include' or 'require' other php pages into my site. Not sure if you understand this.
There used to be 'Smarty' tags that you could use in tpl files to bring a php script into your site, in fact, I use those in my blog pages. But they do not seem to work with Vanilla.
I also tried the {include_file name="my_menu.php"} smarty tag but that does not parse the php to produce my menu on the page.
I am just having trouble trying to find a theme that still uses a default.master.php file. You say "my themes" but I don't know which themes are yours.
I just found one named BetterBitter that appears to be yours, I will look at it now.
I am not a Smarty expert , sorry ..
I am sure there is a way to do what you want via smarty .. just search the forum and I am sure you will find something.
There is a way to add php via themehooks file that most tpl based themes have. This is not an all or nothing , there are other possibilities. Vanilla is highly adaptable.
Try that theme you mentioned of mine to see what it does. It may be what you need to get started while you figure out how Vanilla uses Smarty to compile php.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
OK, I will also look for the themehooks file and see if I can work through that as well.
I have installed and have been looking at the BetterBitter theme. Lots of extra stuff you have added there, with the menu etc.
Is there a theme that you can recommend that uses a default.master.php file that reverts to the very basic Vanilla forum look and layout?
I need something that is not so complex so that I can just start building from there.
Only my themes and older themes from others that no longer work use php master.
You can easily replace the tpl of any theme with a php one. BetterBitter is such a theme. The original called Bitter Sweet theme was a tpl and I converted it to php.
You can take the default.master.php from BetterBitter and replace the tpl of your clone as well as remove the themehooks and then you have a default.master.php based theme.
It's all CSS... you can interchange the css file from any theme that uses the same classes. Not all themes stick to the Vanilla classes.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Yeah, regardless of what I do, it just seems that I no longer have any method within the Vanilla framework to use any php include or php require statements.
They are absolutely essential to me keeping my site maintenance as simple as possible as I am building quite a large site.
Even if I use a default.master.php file, php include or php require statements do not seem to work in the Vanilla environment either.
There were smarty tags available for that once but they too are also now depreciated.
There is a smarty class known as SmartyBC that provides backwards compatibility for them, but I can find no mention of them here, so I presume they are also not available.
I have blog software where the tpl simply allows me to use a smarty tag such as {show_site_menu menu_path='/pathtomenubar/menu-bar.php'} and that brings my menubar onto the page exactly where I want it, but it seems no such features are here.
What I want to do is so very simple and so basic, I do it every day on my site, but as I said long before, too much time wasting and mucking around trying to deal with it all when installations give you no way of doing it - so back to the iframe until I can find forum software that is much more open to the use of native php or better ways of embedding.
I have had enough.
Thanks anyway.
there is a way.. but you have been jumping from this topic to that topic and I have tried to keep up with your questions. You need to read the Tutorial Category or use the search to find what you need .. it is out there. This is the most extensible forum software on the planet.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
I should have thought about it before.
To get away from iframes, just use the html
.<object width="100%" height="1200px" data=""></object>
Now back to some real work.