Suggestion for plugin (Rating plugin)

Top page must be weekly on a daily basis.
The same topics are always on the top page.

(This plugin is great. My site looks like reddit.)


  • R_JR_J Admin

    Thanks for the feedback =)

    I'm not sure if I understood that improvement idea correct.

    By now the "Top" page sorts by discussion score. If a discussion which hasn't been updated for two years had a score of 100 and all other discussions only had a score of 50, that old discussion would always stay on top.

    You would like to see that top list "forget" older discussions and only show top rated discussions in a given period, correct? So how about a drop down

    Last Week
    Last Month
    Last Year

    I am no fan of "week", "month" and "year" So I would use last 7 days, last 30 days and last 365 days in the background.

    Are you interested to do the changes with my help?

  • Yes true. It would be so nice.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    I have implemented that feature based on the discussion creation date. If you choose "Last Week" you only see discussions which has been created last week.
    A discussion that has been created two weeks ago but is still commented on a lot wouldn't appear in this list.

    I'm unsure if this shouldn't be based on the date of the last comment. But on the other hand, one single post to an old discussion could bring this into the weekly view again.

    @misantropist: What would you recommend: using the creation date of the discussion or the date of the last comment as a criteria for today, week, month and ever (those are the four filters I have right now)

  • R_JR_J Admin

    By the way: you can try the current implementation by downloading it from here:

    There shouldn't be the need to disable and re-enable the plugin. You can simply copy the new files over the new ones. There is an additional setting for the default period which you might want to change

  • @R_J while you at it. I notice that anyone could flood the rate. I was able to click rate button without any interruptions. How can we prevent users to abuse the rating >

  • R_JR_J Admin

    There are permissions in place and I guess you have tested as an admin. As an admin you are allowed to vote for a discussion as often as you like (thus being able to take influence).

    Normal users should only have possibility to upvote/downvote once (and certainly remove that vote and decide for the other direction)

    But thanks to your remark I have checked it and found an error in the ratings Manage permission. Giving that to a user role would allow those users unlimited votes, too. You might consider giving that to your moderators.

    But anyway: thanks for the feedback! It would be good to double check if it has been only you, the admin, or really anybody who has been able to vote as often as they like.

  • looks great.
    But you are sure that the '' today'' displays work.
    I can not find a discussion.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    O.o I had defined the "today" filter as "now", so today would only show discussions which were created at this very second. Don't ask me why... o.O

    Thanks for finding that.

    What's your opinion concerning which discussions to include: only those that have been created in that period or also discussions which have been updated (through new comments) in that period?

  • R_JR_J Admin

    I've uploaded the current version to the addons section so you can grab it from there. I guess I will stay with the date created selection.

  • It makes more sense to sort by the title of the current debate.
    It does not make sense to sort by the last comment date.

    If it is not difficult, you can upload two kinds of attachments. So people can choose what they want.

    Today: I want to change the code .To view what happened in the last 24 hours.
    Can you help me how to do this?

    (I use google translate, I apologize for any errors)

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Good news:

                'today' => [
                    'Name' => t('Today'),
                    'Filter' => [
                        'd.DateInserted >=' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(time() - 86400)

    This means that the filter is 1) DateInserted must be 2) equal or above 3) now - 84600 seconds (60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours = 84600)

    I guess that is exactly what you have been asking for.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    This code is from the current version which you can already find here in the addons section

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