Unbump functionality

Update needed to add "Unbump" functionality to this plugin so that forum admin can reverse the effect of bumping a discussion.
These two functionalities can be seen on "Sink" and "Unsink" plugin. Also on "Close" and "Reopen" plugin.



  • Can someone comment on this issue please?

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited March 2017


    Since the plugin is by Vanilla staff, you will have to wait until (or even if) someonefrom the dev team has the time and inclination to look at this issue.

    I'm guessing it won't be anyone's priority.

    You are free to make the changes yourself or you could commission someone to do it for you.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    The problem is that there is no "easy" way to determine if a discussion was "bumped". Therefore you would have to offer "Unbump" option for all discussions which in most cases would have no effect at all.

    Technically spoken, the act of "bumping" is just updating the "DateLastCommented" column for a discussion. In order to find out if that date has been set by bumping or if that is the correct value, you would have to make a comparison between the date in the discussion and the date of the last comment. That would be very, very bad for the performance.

    If you have bumped a discussion without wanting to do so, you should consider changing that value in the database. If there are users which abuse that feature, you should warn them or disallow them to use this feature.

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