vanilla theme creation

ok I decided I wanted to play around with creating a theme, in the vanilla theme folder there is one called default with a read me.. so I did what the read said step by step i made a copy of the default. renamed it, added the info to about.. works fine then under neath it has a step to move create folder views and designs and move the files it said to.. with the default.master tpl moved into views and created a custom.css i get this error

Something has gone wrong.

We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while.

if i remove the default.master.tpl from views it works again


  • Have a search on here for how to get a detailed error report in place of 'Something has gone wrong'.

    It may simply be that you need to delete any ini files in the cache folder. That is what you have to do when you move files or folders.

  • @whu606 thanks cache was it

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