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How can I delete private messages (conversations)?

I don't see any way to delete these. I'm using version 2.3.
I've seen a suggestion to add $Configuration['Conversations']['Moderation']['Allow'] = TRUE; to config.php but that doesn't make any difference
There isn't a Vanilla way, afaIk.
A user can take themselves out of a conversation by clicking Delete Conversation.
Since Conversations are private between users, you can see why it isn't an available option.
You can delete conversations using a tool like phpMyAdmin to directly edit the database (Always take a backup of the DB first!)
I do that from time to time, giving users fair warning that conversations over say 6 months old will be deleted, so they should save any info they need.
I also make sure to keep a copy of the DB state before I delete anything, in case something urgently needs restoring/accessing.
Thanks. I don't se the "Delete Conversation" option to click, where does that show up for someone to remove themselves from a conversation? I'm using the Gopi theme but I assume it would be similar in most themes?
When you open a Conversation, you should have two buttons:
New Message
Leave Conversation
Obviously the Leave only shows if you are in the conversation.